IDO Poll – Ends Friday 6/26

  • Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Look back 10 years ago think about all the guys that use to post their catches and make fishing reports. That is basically gone from here. Someone would make a great post with some fish they kept and guys would constantly bitch about people keeping fish!!! This is not the sight it use to be because of a select few of jealous people that have a crappy life and all they want to do is BITCH and argue their point all day long. Too much time on their hands I guess.

    Think about the name of this site…IN Depth Outdoors…What would a person new to the site think about the list of today’s topics?? I suggest we keep it about the outdoors and leave the political BS to Facebook or the other news media sources.Lets keep this about the outdoors and get back to sharing stories and supporting each other on successes !! My 2 cents

    This got me to wondering, does the presence or existence of current controversial topics discourage or prevent the posting of fishing or outdoors topics?

    I would think for those that visit this site would/could still just as easily post fishing/outdoor topics now just as 5 or 10 years ago. It seems there are still mostly fishing/outdoors related threads going.

    And another observation, it seems that many of those posting or commenting on the hot button controversial topics are also the same contributors posting and commenting on the fishing/outdoor topics too.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    No. The Michigan centric version of this site, which is much more interesting as a result, has a sub forum called SoundOff

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    If it’s all or nothing, NO.

    Maybe politics could have its own dedicated thread though? Either way it’s easy enough to just avoid topics I don’t care to read about.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    No. Just delete the threads that become political or inappropriate and give short bans to the members that made them so.

    Covid really turned this site upside down due to a handful of members repeatedly making threads stirring the pot and/or trolling, but otherwise the ‘off-topic’ threads are usually pretty good and stay on track.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    If I understood JJ it is nearly impossible to add a separate sub-forum for politics.

    However……. if somebody were to start a thread titled “politics” here in the general discussion forum that would work. Just EVERYBODY would need to make their posts in that thread instead of starting new threads about politics all the time. Those that wanted to battle it out could, those that didn’t could just stay out if they choose. We would need to have the ability to not turn a thread political that wasn’t posted in the politics thread.

    Can we do that? Can we pull the big boy pants on and stick to it?

    Personally, I don’t care one way or the other.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    If I understood JJ it is nearly impossible to add a separate sub-forum for politics.

    However……. if somebody were to start a thread titled “politics” here in the general discussion forum that would work. Just EVERYBODY would need to make their posts in that thread instead of starting new threads about politics all the time. Those that wanted to battle it out could, those that didn’t could just stay out if they choose. We would need to have the ability to not turn a thread political that wasn’t posted in the politics thread.

    Can we do that? Can we pull the big boy pants on and stick to it?

    Personally, I don’t care one way or the other.

    Not a bad idea. Title it “Political Wasteland”.

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    Can we do that? Can we pull the big boy pants on and stick to it?

    Personally, I don’t care one way or the other.

    Not a bad idea. Title it “Political Wasteland”.
    Sounds like a good idea Dutch and Basstrumb, my 2 cents..

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    We would need to have the ability to not turn a thread political that wasn’t posted in the politics thread.

    Can we do that? Can we pull the big boy pants on and stick to it?


    What do you think Dutchboy…really?

    No, not, nada, ain’t never gonna happen.

    Most any thread has always been vulnerable to “virus” of discontent and or public discourse.

    A Mille Lacs thread can journey it’s way along a reasonable discussion and then inevitably a comment from outer space or worldly racism will rear it’s ugly head with a comment…”Indian netting has ruined the lake”…

    …which the follow up comment twists political, belching “If the Governor would just grow a pair”…yada, yada, yak, yak.

    Okay, Mille Lacs threads might be an exceptional example but many another threads start benign and then the wheels come off.

    This then, displaces the responsibility of the “irresponsible” pot stirring poster upon the feet of the moderator…to then have to take responsibility for someone else’s actions.

    No, let’s not put more regulation on dividing categories.

    Maybe putting on the big boy pants is if you don’t like what ya see…
    “just keep on a scrolling”

    Let the mod’s decide how they want to be the eyes in the sky.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    We would need to have the ability to not turn a thread political that wasn’t posted in the politics thread.

    Can we do that? Can we pull the big boy pants on and stick to it?


    What do you think Dutchboy…really?

    No, not, nada, ain’t never gonna happen.

    Most any thread has always been vulnerable to “virus” of discontent and or public discourse.

    A Mille Lacs thread can journey it’s way along a reasonable discussion and then inevitably a comment from outer space or worldly racism will rear it’s ugly head with a comment…”Indian netting has ruined the lake”…

    …which the follow up comment twists political, belching “If the Governor would just grow a pair”…yada, yada, yak, yak.

    Okay, Mille Lacs threads might be an exceptional example but many another threads start benign and then the wheels come off.

    This then, displaces the responsibility of the “irresponsible” pot stirring poster upon the feet of the moderator…to then have to take responsibility for someone else’s actions.

    No, let’s not put more regulation on dividing categories.

    Maybe putting on the big boy pants is if you don’t like what ya see…
    “just keep on a scrolling”

    Let the mod’s decide how they want to be the eyes in the sky.

    You are likely right, it was just a thought. Like I said I don’t care one way or another, I pretty much have one foot out the door anyway.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I pretty much have one foot out the door anyway.


    You just don’t walk away when there’s still a reason for being here.

    Which there is, hope you’re just bluffing? neutral

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    I pretty much have one foot out the door anyway.


    You just don’t walk away when there’s still a reason for being here.

    Which there is, hope you’re just bluffing? neutral

    Bluffing???……I think thats in a card game right?
    I am finding less & less people here that I have anything in common with. Seems we lose somebody almost weekly. We’ll see what happens. wink

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    i pretty much have one foot out the door anyway.

    Great. I just had 500 business cards delivered with “vice president of the dutchboy fan club” inscribed on them.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I know what Denny Green would say, “It was good run” or ” there’s always room for Jello”

    One of the two.

    Lou W
    Posts: 206

    Many/ most fishing websites are dying a slow death. There used to lots of info on them. Not so much any more unless one is looking for some boat or electronics info. Not much in the ways of reports or how too stuff. Go ahead and nuke the political stuff….you’ll just be reducing site hits and advertising revenue in the end. One site that did still have regular reports, though not much other traffic, LSF, seems to have gone tango uniform.

    Posts: 1271

    Some world events will always cause knee jerk reactions and debates,Not necessary a bad thing.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520


    Ray Gylsen
    Posts: 215

    No, free speech. But keep it clean and civil.

    Posts: 1044

    Yes. Let’s just talk fishing.

    Posts: 8

    YEs this sight has helped my fishing considerable and I have very little time.

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    YEs this sight has helped my fishing considerable and I have very little time.

    So we shouldn’t be allowed to chat about anything besides fishing because you don’t have enough time to click around it and find the fishing related topics?

    Consider it done. Mods, this is where we draw the line.

    Paul Codner
    Posts: 15

    Ok at first I said Yes but I am changing my vote to “how about this instead”. The “Fishing Forum” should only be about fishing and fishing related topics and the “Hunting Forum” the same. Create a new forum called General Discussion. Use that for all of your non fishing/hunting topics, political topics, jokes etc. If someone posts something in the wrong forum just move to the general forum.

    Posts: 9309

    Ok at first I said Yes but I am changing my vote to “how about this instead”. The “Fishing Forum” should only be about fishing and fishing related topics and the “Hunting Forum” the same. Create a new forum called General Discussion. Use that for all of your non fishing/hunting topics, political topics, jokes etc. If someone posts something in the wrong forum just move to the general forum.

    So exactly like it is now? coffee

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