IDO performance

  • Alex Fox
    Posts: 460

    Don’t get me started on uploading a picture…3 time outs, 2 errors, nuclear launch codes and a rosharch test later and the original picture posted after it told me it failed 5x.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22931

    It appears that slow queries are taking place more consistently now. We’re also seeing some rather large result sets that don’t fit into temp tables and end up relying on disk access vs. memory. The ido database size is just under 8 gigs in size now. The database server has been allotted 8 gigs of ram so we’re right at the edge with that too.

    As far as slow loading images that shouldn’t have anything to do with the IDO server. We’re utilizing cloudflare for a cdn so their images are being pulled from cache on their edge servers.

    I’ll be applying some band-aids this evening. We’ll still have slow queries but they should be less consistent. Hopefully this will get us through till a rebuild can be completed.

    Exactly as I suspected…. crazy

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215

    Well said Deuces! I’ve seen a few glitches on this site but nothing daily. It’s working fine to load and post this even with the quote. It’s hard to diagnose a technical issue if it can’t be regularly duplicated. So just be patient and think back to the old days of dial-up… a minute for a website to load really isn’t all that bad.

    If we don’t mention it how will it ever get noticed or fixed ? No one whined or complained. Just stating what’s happening. Free or not I assume they’d want to address it.

    Posts: 3319

    Glitches yep but I love this site and check it a few times a day.

    Sure would like to see a few pictures of that 238 in action James. whistling

    Posts: 3932

    Just like back in May I tried to make a reply and the frigging page goes away twice, so much for trying to come back,phuk this.
    I will let you know when I get my you tube channel up and running.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17493

    Just like back in May I tried to make a reply and the frigging page goes away twice, so much for trying to come back,phuk this.
    I will let you know when I get my you tube channel up and running.

    Why does “Tim The Toolman” come to mind? You going to have a hot chick for an assistant? grin

    Be very, very careful how you answer that! lol

    Posts: 3932

    Server down reboot •■□{|€374¿}•@2<*$
    Host requirements not met ×÷÷><[]”
    SCREENSHOT REQUIRED:+!spamatoses detected redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect redirect.

    Report finalized user is a fumducker no further analysis required shut down imminent in 1 redirect 2 redirect confusion confusion confusion confusion confusion .
    Redirection denied denied denied denied denied denied

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