IDO performance

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Is it just me or is IDO painfully slow to load sometimes? I timed it and it took about 70 seconds from the time I clicked on the ido link until I got into the general section. This has been happening for a few months pretty consistently. I’ve done all the standard stuff- cleared cashe ext. Same behavior whether I’m on my computer or phone or on wifi or cell network.

    I also still have the issues people have reported for years about the web page timing out and trying to get you to make sure you aren’t a bot if you copy more than one person’s comments. Also if you start a post the page will usually time out and error but when you go back into IDO your thread has been created.

    Anyway was just wondering of others are also experiencing this severe lag lately

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215

    I thought it was just me. It’s been like that for a few weeks for me. And some times doesn’t load at all and I’ll just back out.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11074

    It’s been a couple months for me. Pics don’t want to load, the General Discussion page take 30 seconds or more IF it loads.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 946

    I’ve timed out trying to load IDO a few times in the last month.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1425

    Yes same here sometimes

    South Metro
    Posts: 2110

    I love this site.
    That being said, it needs a rebuild.
    In this day and age it should not be this complicated. The software I sell makes the machinations of this site look like using the return key on my keyboard. It interfaces with the State High School league, multiple student information and data systems (1,000’s of students and all their data), district networks and multiple credit card card companiesall at the same time, allows user interface and payment and reservation options etc. and does it seamlessly.
    Not to be able to load pictures borders on ridiculous with how advanced most of our technology is.
    It is the ONLY social media site I actually go to to use ( unless you consider Google Earth and DNR lakefinder social media)
    Thank you IDO wave

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2847

    Something is going on for sure. Im not one to have any idea what would cause this.

    Posts: 3319

    I have no issues loading the home page.
    Using the quote feature or loading pictures makes me pull my hair out and I don’t have a lot to pull!! whistling

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215

    I have no issues loading the home page.
    Using the quote feature or loading pictures makes me pull my hair out and I don’t have a lot to pull!! whistling

    For me lately it’s even opening threads, backing out of threads and posting.

    Posts: 765

    Same here, and I still get days when I have to log in, sometimes two days in a row.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17493

    Maybe they have some AI thing now where it identify the users? We as a group are getting older and slowing down ya know. grin wave

    Posts: 5321

    Am I missing any ads on here?

    Was always told beggars can’t be choosers.

    Maintenance requires a bill and/or time, hope it lasts quite awhile here, I’m willing to deal w a lil non perfect conditions. First world online problems grin

    Posts: 4802

    Yep same here. Takes forever to load pages sometimes and it’s not just on my phone. Half the time pics don’t load.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13015

    yeppers………same here!!!!!!!! doah ???

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Well, lets hear from the powers that run the site.
    What up??????

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17493

    Powers that be are running his new 238 Warrior and doing his new job.

    I wouldn’t expect any changes.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Powers that be are running his new 238 Warrior and doing his new job.

    I wouldn’t expect any changes.

    I just did a tour of the site and everything loads super quick. Almost instantly after a page link is clicked. I’m not seeing what is being reported here.

    Posts: 765

    Well James, we aren’t making this up. This morning when I clicked on General Discussion. to my surprise, it took me there immediately. But when I clicked on this topic, it took close to a minute before it got me here.

    Posts: 1671

    I’ve been trying to post my boat for sale a couple days now. It errors out every time. Even with no pictures attached.

    * Edit. Got it to load. Don’t mean to complain about a free service.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22215

    Well James, we aren’t making this up. This morning when I clicked on General Discussion. to my surprise, it took me there immediately. But when I clicked on this topic, it took close to a minute before it got me here.

    Same. And no complaints. Just stating the facts. Making the right people aware. I assumed it was my internet until I realized it’s every where I go and on and off wifi.

    Posts: 24859

    Is it just me or is IDO painfully slow to load sometimes? I timed it and it took about 70 seconds from the time I clicked on the ido link until I got into the general section. This has been happening for a few months pretty consistently. I’ve done all the standard stuff- cleared cashe ext.

    Same boat! Very frustrating. It seems to only happen on my PC though. If I am on my phone it seems to work fine. Also I never have to relogin on my phone, but I have to do it all the time on my PC. I just got a timeout message a couple minutes ago. Seems to happen daily recently.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5579

    Am I missing any ads on here?
    Was always told beggars can’t be choosers.
    Maintenance requires a bill and/or time, hope it lasts quite awhile here, I’m willing to deal w a lil non perfect conditions. First world online problems grin

    Well said Deuces! I’ve seen a few glitches on this site but nothing daily. It’s working fine to load and post this even with the quote. It’s hard to diagnose a technical issue if it can’t be regularly duplicated. So just be patient and think back to the old days of dial-up… a minute for a website to load really isn’t all that bad.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6771

    I am seeing the same issues as others have mentioned and it seems to be worse the last couple weeks.

    Also agree with Dueces and Sharon, happy to still have it active and keep the lights on for us to enjoy. Hope things are good James and maybe report back on what’s going on in your new adventures. waytogo

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    It appears that slow queries are taking place more consistently now. We’re also seeing some rather large result sets that don’t fit into temp tables and end up relying on disk access vs. memory. The ido database size is just under 8 gigs in size now. The database server has been allotted 8 gigs of ram so we’re right at the edge with that too.

    As far as slow loading images that shouldn’t have anything to do with the IDO server. We’re utilizing cloudflare for a cdn so their images are being pulled from cache on their edge servers.

    I’ll be applying some band-aids this evening. We’ll still have slow queries but they should be less consistent. Hopefully this will get us through till a rebuild can be completed.

    Posts: 24859

    Also agree with Dueces and Sharon, happy to still have it active and keep the lights on for us to enjoy.

    I agree 100%. Even though there are occasional hiccups, my post count continues to rise. -)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Anytime there is a double post, it’s because once the user clicks “Submit Reply”, nothing happens so they think they need to click it again.

    Hence double post.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Anytime there is a double post, it’s because once the user clicks “Submit Reply”, nothing happens so they think they need to click it again.

    Hence double post.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    ^ toast

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