IDO Get Together on Lake of the Woods + Win a Chance to Film with James & Joel

  • Sam rardin
    Posts: 1

    I was going to bring my old man up their with me for the “fish with us package” I called Ballard’s and they said it’s shared lodging with 4 other guys, my dad hasn’t drank for over 10 yrs and we were wondering if their were anyone that weren’t party animals that would wanna lodge with us, his main concern was having to lodge with a bunch of “drunks” was how he put it

    Posts: 193

    I was going to bring my old man up their with me for the “fish with us package” I called Ballard’s and they said it’s shared lodging with 4 other guys, my dad hasn’t drank for over 10 yrs and we were wondering if their were anyone that weren’t party animals that would wanna lodge with us, his main concern was having to lodge with a bunch of “drunks” was how he put it

    I’m still not 100% sure if I’m going or not. But If I do I’ll PM you and see if we can arrange something. I’m not much of a drinker, and when it comes to fishing I there to fish not drink.

    Southern MN
    Posts: 4

    I am taking my 13 year old son with so we probably won’t have too much to drink either. I’m sure we will be pretty quiet. Send me a note if you want.

    Michael Burcusa
    Saint Louis Park
    Posts: 69

    I will be coming up Mar 21 and staying until Mar 24 (I could get the Mon, Tues off, but not the Thurs, Fri). No big deal, I was planning on just bringing a quality bag and sleeping out on the ice. I do not have a snowmobile, if there are not vehicles allowed out on the ice at this point (doesn’t seem like much of a concern at this point, but you never know) does anyone know of a place where I could rent a sled or hitch a ride out to the reefs?

    Cody hesseltine
    Posts: 112

    I wish it was closer to my neck of the woods Jim. Let me know if you ever want to try a spring or fall outing in New Yorks Finger Lakes. Nice sized Pike, Tiger_Musky’s, Bass and L_Trout.

    You forgot the huge perch in Seneca

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I wish it was closer to my neck of the woods Jim. Let me know if you ever want to try a spring or fall outing in New Yorks Finger Lakes. Nice sized Pike, Tiger_Musky’s, Bass and L_Trout.

    You forgot the huge perch in Seneca

    We’ll see how this first IDO TV Get Together works and if everyone has a good time we’ll see about holding them in different areas so we can get more people involved.

    Frank R
    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 7

    60’s in the Cities for the past couple days and through the next week, until “The Event” takes place. Noticed it’s 40’s with even a 53 thrown in on LOW, will that change things? What’ll that mean for driving on the ice? Anybody have a comment, thought, or remark? Should we bring swim suits and fishing poles? yay Maybe a little sunscreen peace

    Looking forward to it hard/not hard water fishin!!


    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    You guys might need to bring the boats and turn it into a Rainy River show…!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Report I had was there is 30″ of ice on the lake (Zipple Bay area). Reports here show that the river is breaking up towards International Falls

    Mike Anselmo
    Posts: 47

    Hey all – Here is the latest from Gary up at Ballard’s. We should have a great time this week.

    Right now the 10-day forecast is predicting highs in the 30’s and lows in the 20’s. As mentioned last week, when it gets to this time of the season for us, we are for the most part ice fishing from day to day pending conditions and mother-natures request for spring.

    As of today, based on the forecast and current ice conditions, we plan to continue fishing on the lake through this coming weekend. After that, as mentioned earlier, we will continue to monitor and update from day to day as we move forward.

    No one can predict next week, but we do have a good handle on day to day activities. This allows us to either lengthen our season, or know when it’s time to get things wrapped up on the ice.

    The progression of spring means we’ll probably sooner than later begin running our rigs (Bombardiers) over west and accessing the lake directly from shore. Basically, it is a typical move for this time of year, bypass the river and bay, and go where you can get right to the main shoreline of Big Traverse Bay.

    Ice conditions on the main lake remain favorable. We’re still working with about 40”. And again, that’s referring to where we are fishing and the area we are covering.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Ice conditions on the main lake remain favorable. We’re still working with about 40”. And again, that’s referring to where we are fishing and the area we are covering.

    I spoke with a resorter further north on Lake of the Woods today that told me they had a fully loaded 18 wheeler weighing nearly 80,000 lbs using the ice road a couple days ago. We’ll be good to go for wheelers, sleds and bombers for the IDO GTG!

    The guys and I are headed to LOTW tonight to do some pre-fishing and get some promotional still photo work done. I’ll post a report Tuesday night.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Thanks Mike, Gary and James! Wish one of my party could have gotten off earlier, I’d be on my way as well!

    Some reports I was hearing from the river and the Western shore were iffy earlier and mid last week. I was wondering how it was shak’in out at my goto place on Lake Of The Woods.

    Thanks for the positive update!

    Jon Enright
    Posts: 4

    Based on these reports I think it’s safe to say i should have no concerns driving a half ton pickup out there this weekend?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike Anselmo wrote:</div>
    Ice conditions on the main lake remain favorable. We’re still working with about 40”. And again, that’s referring to where we are fishing and the area we are covering.

    I spoke with a resorter further north on Lake of the Woods today that told me they had a fully loaded 18 wheeler weighing nearly 80,000 lbs using the ice road a couple days ago. We’ll be good to go for wheelers, sleds and bombers for the IDO GTG!

    The guys and I are headed to LOTW tonight to do some pre-fishing and get some promotional still photo work done. I’ll post a report Tuesday night.

    Here’s a pic from less than an hour ago. They are fishing on the Rainy River in Baudette. See you up here!


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    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mike Anselmo wrote:</div>
    Ice conditions on the main lake remain favorable. We’re still working with about 40”. And again, that’s referring to where we are fishing and the area we are covering.

    I spoke with a resorter further north on Lake of the Woods today that told me they had a fully loaded 18 wheeler weighing nearly 80,000 lbs using the ice road a couple days ago. We’ll be good to go for wheelers, sleds and bombers for the IDO GTG!

    The guys and I are headed to LOTW tonight to do some pre-fishing and get some promotional still photo work done. I’ll post a report Tuesday night.

    Here’s a pic from less than an hour ago. They are fishing on the Rainy River in Baudette. See you up here!


    We had a great day on the ice up in the islands today. Biggest fish was a gargantuan-fat 28″ walleye with another half dozen 22 to 25 inch fish to go with dozens of eaters. The best depths were 24 to 27 feet. I did have some fish early on a rippin rap but once the sun got above the trees the fish wanted rattle spoons in green UV tiger and Glow Gold Fish In 1/8th ounce tipped with a minnow head.

    All in all it was a great day. The ice conditions were great with the cooler weather. With some luck we’ll have another good report tomorrow.

    Paul Wedebrand
    Posts: 1

    Thanks for the update James. How far up in the islands did you end up getting? Did you happen to make it up near Oak. Did you run into any big ice heaves? What mode of transportation did you use on the lake? My friend has a cabin on Oak and we were wondering if it’s safe to run with four wheelers up there. We are all going to stop into Ballrds to meet you guys Thursday night. Look forward to meeting you. Thanks.

    Andrew Byers
    Allegan, MI
    Posts: 107

    Man i wish i could run up there with you guys! Been following this post since Dec. and cry a little each time. ) Good luck guys!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Oh I get it. I am in Florida, its safe to have a TV get together.

    Central SD
    Posts: 109

    Oh I get it. I am in Florida, its safe to have a TV get together.

    You could always plan a IDO Florida get together, say about January of next Year? lol

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Oh I get it. I am in Florida, its safe to have a TV get together.

    Hop on a plane and join us! toast

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You could always plan a IDO Florida get together, say about January of next Year? lol

    Wade Boardman and I might do that one day.

    Hop on a plane and join us! toast

    Too bad there isn’t good internet service up there, otherwise we could do a video chat. You guys on the ice and next to the pond.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    I can say that I cant wait to get out of town and on the road for this trip. This day in the office can’t be doen soon enough.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I’ll be in Minnesota before the sun comes up!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Another great day up in the islands, but we’re glad to be at Ballard’s. Just getting to bed. Lots of fish, plenty of fun, and some serious March sunburn weather.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night, keep a seat for us!


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    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I’ll save a seat for you if you save a walleye for us!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Yesterday was another great day up here on LOTW. Great fishing, great temps…good times with friends as the ice season draws to a close. We’ve had sun the last two days and the fish bit great. Today it is cloudy so we’ll see what that does to the bite. In my experience up here on LOTW sunny conditions make for a better bite due to the stained water.

    Looking at the forecast it appears we’re in for a cold front arriving Friday with a chance for precipitation Thursday and Friday. What that will do to the bite is anyone’s guess.

    We’ll see everyone at Ballard’s after sundown tonight!

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    Yesterday was another great day up here on LOTW. Great fishing, great temps…good times with friends as the ice season draws to a close. We’ve had sun the last two days and the fish bit great. Today it is cloudy so we’ll see what that does to the bite. In my experience up here on LOTW sunny conditions make for a better bite due to the stained water.

    Looking at the forecast it appears we’re in for a cold front arriving Friday with a chance for precipitation Thursday and Friday. What that will do to the bite is anyone’s guess.

    We’ll see everyone at Ballard’s after sundown tonight!

    Just get out the Rippin Raps they will do the shining.
    Just got news yesterday my propane season is over. I’m a bit POed right now. Wish I was up there. Best of luck to all.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Well it’s been a great first morning filming the last IDO ice fishing show of the season. Our first winners are Kathy and Pat McCauley of Saint Paul Minnesota and so far they’ve done a great job catching some fish! They put a few 20 inch plus fish top side, and have caught plenty of smaller sauger and walleye to keep it lively. It’s not even noon on the first day so we’re looking for a lot more to come!


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    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Got back from the IDO get together at Ballard’s and had a great time! Ballard’s really took care of us, the accommodations and every meal were great! It was really a joy being brought to a warm fish house and coming back to meals prepared and ready. Fishing was tough but caught fish every day and got to spend time with my son. Wasn’t drawn to be on the show so will have to wait for the next get together to showcase my “TV personality” and be discovered but really came away with a new appreciation of what goes into making the IDO fishing show and how hard the guys work. So thanks James and the IDO crew I enjoyed my time and hope you do it again.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Sitting in front of computer this morning thinking back on the blur that was the past few days wondering if it all really happened? It was a fun get together, and in reviewing all the events, I feel the need to issue a few “thank you’s!”

    -Thanks to Nick, Gary, Danielle and all of the Ballards Resort crew for excellent meals, great accommodations, and even better service. There wasn’t a question they couldn’t answer, and they made sure that we had fun the entire time. I’ll be coming back without a doubt.

    -Thanks to James, Mike Anselmo, Ben Larson, Ben Brettingen, and Pat McSharry for the great days out on the ice together, and for documenting the experience better than we all could’ve lived it. I have a blast with you guys, and Mike, every detail of the planning was impeccable. Gold star for you my man!

    -Thanks to our winners, and everyone that showed up. Belletaine, Justin, Mike, Pat, Kathy, Mitch, Frank, Nick, and the dozens of others I had a chance to spend some time with, I wish I had even more. There simply wasn’t enough time in the day to hang out with everyone I would’ve liked to, but I’m hoping that no one ever hesitates to drop me a line if they need anything.

    Keep your thinking caps on over the summer, maybe we’ll have to do something like it again next year? Thanks again everyone for filling up the memory bank with some great experiences.


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