IDO Get Together- Mille Lacs

  • BigWerm
    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Due to the interest in multiple Get Togethers, and having one on Lake Mille Lacs, I spoke to a few fellow IDO’ers and the Red Door Resort to put something together. So we will be hosting the official unofficial IDO Get Together- Mille Lacs Edition on February 24th and 25th. Red Door has reserved a number of cabins, motel rooms, their largest 4 bedroom cabin, and plenty of bar space for this event. For anyone who wants to bring their sleeper house, the Red Door access fee is only $10 and very close to some of the best fishing on the lake.

    A few important notes on why this date was selected, this is the last weekend of inland walleye fishing in MN so a great way to send the season out with a great group. Also, this is the Perch Extravaganza weekend out of Hunter’s so if anyone wants to fish that all day, and meet up for dinner and drinks after please do! Please book your room as soon as possible, and any rooms not booked by end of January will be released by the Red Door to the general public. We are also working on putting together some door prizes, so if anyone has anything they or their business would like to chip in please PM me.

    Who: Any and all IDO forum member’s or viewers
    What: Get together for fishing talk and success stories
    When: FEBRUARY 24th and 25th
    Where: Red Door Resort (ph# 218-678-3686) on the shores of Lake Mille Lacs (38421 MN-18, Aitkin, MN 56431)

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6138

    Looking forward to this! toast


    leroy golden
    Posts: 48

    Do they have houses on the lake to rent for the weekend

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Do they have houses on the lake to rent for the weekend

    Yes they do have many. Sleepers too in case you want to fish through the night!

    Posts: 1671

    Sounds good! I like it so far. I just gotta check on one prior engagement, and make sure it isn’t that weekend and I’m there! My boys love staying at the Red Door, they may not let me go without taking them. Maybe if I promise to bring them both back home an order of their Mac’n Cheese bites. Kinda lookig forward to meeting and having a beer with a few of you guys. Thanks BW for taking on this project. I’m sure it will be a success.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Here’s the general idea so far. Friday and Saturday night meet at the new Waypoint Café at the Red Door around 7, and we will have some door prizes that will be drawn or won (biggest or smallest fish etc.). This will allow everyone plenty of time to do what they’d like fishing-wise during the day, and plenty of time to tell some true-ish fishing stories afterwards. Also, the info on the Perch Extravaganza is below, and anyone who is interested should be able to fish that all day and make it back to Red Door in the evening if they’d like to do it all.

    Contest Rules:

    $20 Button Purchase Includes:
    Entrance to fishing contest
    Lake Access thru Hunter’s Point Resort

    •8:00 am – 2:00 pm
    (2:00 pm sharp cutoff)
    •Weight Station at Hunter’s Point Resort
    •Perch must be alive to enter
    •Top 10 Perch by weight (coin toss on ties)
    •1st Place fish is property of contest
    •Contest is lake-wide
    •Must have button to be eligible for weigh-in
    •Must be present for prizes
    •Judges decisions are final
    •Drawing follows contest (no purchase necessary)

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    I may have been up at the Red Door yesterday fishing with another IDO member whistling

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    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    I may have been up at the Red Door yesterday fishing with another IDO member whistling

    That doesn’t look like ANY fun….. bow

    Posts: 1671

    I may have been up at the Red Door yesterday fishing with another IDO member whistling

    There wouldn’t have been a camera crew there also?

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Will Roseberg wrote:</div>
    I may have been up at the Red Door yesterday fishing with another IDO member whistling

    There wouldn’t have been a camera crew there also?

    You’ll just have to wait and see wave

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I may have been up at the Red Door yesterday fishing with another IDO member whistling

    Why were you up there yesterday? Didn’t you see that the GTG isn’t until Feb. 24-25? You must’ve been thinking it was a rather disappointing turnout with just one other IDO member in attendance! jester

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Here’s the general idea so far. Friday and Saturday night meet at the new Waypoint Café at the Red Door around 7, and we will have some door prizes that will be drawn or won (biggest or smallest fish etc.). This will allow everyone plenty of time to do what they’d like fishing-wise during the day, and plenty of time to tell some true-ish fishing stories afterwards. Also, the info on the <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>Perch Extravaganza is below, and anyone who is interested should be able to fish that all day and make it back to Red Door in the evening if they’d like to do it all.

    Speaking of…if I might suggest, is if there are any of us (other than those that are secretive about their fishing spots) that we try to organize for those that would like to fish in the same general vicinity. That is part of what I would think makes events like this fun in that you can stop in and visit the group throughout the day and check success, stories, and other “Tom Foolery”!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    (other than those that are secretive about their fishing spots)

    There are fishermen who aren’t secretive?!? rotflol I plan on moving around a lot (weather permitting), but have no problem with you (or anyone) joining the fun. I just require one beer payment per spot, unless you catch a 25+” fish then the rate goes up significantly! whistling

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I will be there, I gave the warden a full heads up already about the GTG. Should be fun!

    Posts: 117

    Why would you give the warden a “full heads up”? just asking for everyone to get hassled?

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6138

    I’m guessing “Warden” = “Wife”. At least that is the way I read into it….


    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    I’m guessing “Warden” = “Wife”. At least that is the way I read into it….


    10-4 and knowing Weedis’ wife the only one getting hassled will be him! rotflol

    Posts: 117

    ha! my bad, I guess I’m lucky with my wife.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    You are correct, warden=wife. As long as the leash is long enough to reach the North side of Mille Lacs I should be good. grin

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Just wanted to bump this up as a reminder to anyone planning to book thru Red Door to do so before months end. Word on the street is there might be some REALLY nice “custom” door prizes too…

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11093

    OK, I’m in.
    I got House #10. Unfortunately I can only fish Friday night. (gotta buddy getting re-married on Saturday) I am thinking of having an “Auger Off” Friday afternoon to see exactly which one is best. Ion vs. Jiffy propane vs. Eskimo gas.
    Good chance bloody Mary’s and Corona’s will be available for participants.
    I will also have my LX6 going up against a FL vex something.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Just wanted to bump this up as a reminder to anyone planning to book thru Red Door to do so before months end. Word on the street is there might be some REALLY nice “custom” door prizes too…

    Yep, even though my place is just 10 minutes from Red Door I decided to just go ahead and book a motel room for Friday and Saturday night. So I am all set. I thankfully learned years ago what risks might happen!

    1. 0a6d238ce9f980a886bcfb22b6e736c6.jpg

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    OK, I’m in.
    I got House #10. Unfortunately I can only fish Friday night. (gotta buddy getting re-married on Saturday) I am thinking of having an “Auger Off” Friday afternoon to see exactly which one is best. Ion vs. Jiffy propane vs. Eskimo gas.
    Good chance bloody Mary’s and Corona’s will be available for participants.
    I will also have my LX6 going up against a FL vex something.

    And to my point…get me started on bloody Mary’s… shock
    I’ll pass on the Coronas though, Summit is it for me.
    Good to imagine some fun and games out there, was kind of what I was hoping for…other than the “real serious” fishing?
    I’ll take on your LX6 against my FL-8se…ha! yay

    Posts: 7348

    My elite 5 will take on all yours with flasher and zoom split screen at the same time woot

    Seriously, anyone wants to room with a guy who works hard, fishes harder, then drinks all of the above send me a PM, seeking roomie with similar characteristics toast

    Will have at least ATV, might be able to borrow an uTV for the exursion.

    Posts: 1671

    I should be there Sat for sure, maybe even Friday night after work. Hopeing somebody can help me figure out my LX-9. I may have a buddy coming along but if that falls through i may have an open bed in the fish house, or even pick up if you could meet in the St.Cloud area. I will update the status closer to the event.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12472

    Just got confirmation and orders placed for some Tuned Up Custom Rods and Line Cutterz for prizes. @Will Roseberg may have a few additional Ice Force tricks up his sleeve, as well as some other possibilities from a fellow IDO’er or two. Thanks for everyone’s help, and TUCR and LineCutterz for working with me in getting some sweet prizes lined up. Should be a GREAT time, and make sure to thank IDO, TUCR and Line Cutterz!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11093

    37 days to go.

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