IDO Gathering This Spring

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    What kind of fish can you catch from shore up there? What is open In April?

    Lots of rough fish. Lots of panfish from that very sand point Mike mentioned. Turns in to awesome sturgeon walleye and bass when legal.

    Posts: 1902

    Probably a little early at that point but white bass are around too.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5755

    Thanks! I will be bringing a fly rod along, and this helps me decide which fly box to bring.


    michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    Had to search for the post lost my calender back to the top

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 768

    Looks like it will be a good time and turn out, but have a date set for green bay that weekend dang

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Just a little over two weeks away! To recap:

    Saturday, April 24th at the Osceola Landing.
    Plan to meet at Noon

    I’ll bring my apple pie drinks and various baked goods from “Sharon’s Bakery”. 😋
    I think it would be fun if everyone can bring either a food item or drink to share but definitely not needed to attend! I’ll bring some paper towels, paper cups, and garbage bags.
    If you have IDO gear please wear it for a group photo! 📷

    I have called the NPS website to reserve the Blue Heron Shelter (the one further from the entrance) and left a message. Hopefully I’ll hear back from them soon.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11132

    Kinda gonna be one next weekend also at the gun range.

    Posts: 5321

    Got a couple tshirts still from sturgeon gtg, biggest sucker will get one. Person who hands me the most busch lattes probably the other doah

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    I just heard back from NPS (National Park Service) and we have confirmed our reservation for the Blue Heron Shelter! ✔️

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    woot yay woot yay

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4121

    I’ve gotta work that weekend, seems like I always do for these. I was really hoping to spend a few hours talking about 8efe28aeba5bfd44

    Posts: 2872

    Great job putting this together Sharon.I wish i were a little closer i would be there for sure.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Any chance of getting some 8EFE28AEBA5BFD44 shirts in time for the GTG?

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    A little over a week to go!
    What’s anyone bringing for some vittles to share? I’m gonna bring some summer sausage, cheese, and crackers. I should have plenty for 20+ guys.
    Can’t wait!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Any chance of getting some 8EFE28AEBA5BFD44 shirts in time for the GTG?

    I actually thought about making some! rotflol But then I thought it would be more fun for a group photo if people wore their IDO gear if they have some. waytogo

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5755

    I’ll be bringing paper plates, chips, and trash bags. And…My wife Ramona (Sharon’s Mom) will be there as well.


    Posts: 5321

    Any close camping to be had?

    Wouldn’t mind an all night campfire this weekend.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Lots of camping north of there as well. All first come first serve

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    Well sadly I was reminded that it’s my nephews b day on Saturday. I won’t be able to make it to the gtg. But we are camping north of the launch on the river if any one else is later that evening

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I am sad to say I won’t be able to make it anymore. I hope everyone has a great time and to see everyone next time. toast

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Well on that note, it’s probably time for a roll call! Please reply here if you haven’t done so already, or shoot me a PM if you are planning to attend and if you’ll be bringing anything to share.

    Thinking you don’t want to come because you don’t really know anyone? That’s the PERFECT reason to come say hi! These gatherings are unofficial and just meant to be a fun way for anyone who wants to gather and meet fellow IDOers and say howdy, whether you’re part of IDO Fishing, Hunting, Ice, or all three!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    I will certainly try to make it. Would love to meet you guys and hang out. I can’t yet commit to being able to though. If things change and I can be sure I will offer to bring something.

    Posts: 1287

    It’s in my backyard so I intend on being there, I do have something going on But I think I can get out of it or cut it short to attend.

    michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    I plan on being there its an hour and 40 for me and will have my kids as wife has school work to do. Hopefully I can keep them entertained enough to at least say hi to everyone. Any one else from st cloud coming.

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    I plan to be out on the river at some point on Saturday, and hope to swing by. My shepherd will be with me for sure, might have my wife and the golden with as well.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22361

    I plan to be out on the river at some point on Saturday, and hope to swing by. My shepherd will be with me for sure, might have my wife and the golden with as well.

    Good looking shepherd. Mine loves coming in the boat

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    Good looking shepherd. Mine loves coming in the boat

    Thanks, I wanted a dog that enjoyed fishing and the outdoors as much as I do. Though sometimes its too much of a good thing…

    1. IMG_8358.jpg

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    When I saw the date that was selected I knew it was a no go for me.
    Our 45th wedding anniversary.

    I was thinking of pulling up the boat until I saw the date. Sorry I will not attend. SWMBO does not fish at all.

    Y’all have a great time without me!

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