I’ve been looking online for more details and haven’t had much luck. I called Indianhead Bait and Tackle (715) 822-2164 and got this info. You only need 1 ticket to fish the contest. You drill your own holes. You can fish with 3 lines. You can have a shack (for warming) but can’t fish out of them. Tickets are 1 for 10.00 or 3 for 25.00 if you buy them ahead of time. They are 15.00 the day of the tourney. The more tickets you buy, the better chance you have at the door prizes.
While searching for more info, I stumbled across the lake-link website that had some info posted for this tournament. I don’t believe that site is a sponsor for this event. They have alot of door prizes. I’m hoping to win the 4 wheeler. I’m due.