THE TOURNAMENT – January 15th, 2011 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Rules meeting Saturday morning at 11:15 a.m.
* 3 Categories:
o a) Perch
o b) Walleye
o c) Northern
* Not responsible for lost or stolen goods
* Must have a valid Minnesota license and abide by all state of Minnesota fishing rules
* No one sinks a line until the air horn sounds (emcee will have an official countdown)
* Contestants must be inside the red box in the weigh-in area when the air horn sounds the end of the tournament or their fish will not be weighed
* Size limits
* In the event of a tie, the first fish registered is the winner
* Portable shelter permitted (Must have it Licensed)
* No vehicles on the ice – only snowmobiles or ATV’s (shuttles will be provided)
* Only ticketed contestants can fish at the holes
* You must have a ticket for each line; maximum two lines
* All holes first come/first serve
* Participants cannot reserve more than two holes per person until after 11:30 am the day of the contest. (after rules meeting): once the contest begins you may move to any open hole
* No glass containers of any kind
* All fish that are not eligible for catch and release become the property of Bemidji State University Beaver Pride
* Dead or frozen fish are ineligible
* In the event of inclement weather or unsafe ice the committee reserves the right to modify the tournament
* You may not display Business advertising at your hole (apparel is exempt) unless you are a sponsor
* $1,000 cash prize awarded to largest fish caught
* Catch a tagged fish and win a vehicle
More info HERE