ISU Fishing Club Tournament

  • Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    My Daughter is in the Iowa State University Fishing Club. She asked me to post this in hopes that some IDO fishermen might take part.

    Ice Fishing Tournament Hosted by

    Who: Open to the public
    What: Two person ice fishing tournament
    Where: Hickory Grove Park at Oriole Ridge Lodge
    (Near Nevada,Iowa)
    When: Saturday, January 23, 2010. Registration starts at 7:30am
    Why: To raise money for the ISU Fishing Club

    • $30 entry for a two person team ($15 per person)
    • Registration begins at 7:30am at the lodge, fish from 8am to 1pm
    • Weigh-in top 6 panfish
    • Optional big fish (any species) prize with an extra $5 entry fee per team. 100% payout for big fish
    • Food and drinks will be provided for a small fee
    • Top three places will receive cash prize based on total entry fees:
    1st place-30%
    2nd place-20%
    3rd place-15%

    For more information contact: Travis Graves (email – [email protected])

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