LaCrosse area ice fishing tournaments

  • cpetey
    Onalaska, Wi
    Posts: 1193

    I’ve been out of the loop for a solid week or so, but I remember reading that the Stoddard tourney is being moved to Lake Onalaska. Is that true? Any dates/info on that? Also, perhaps this is a good time for people to post about other tourneys in the area. I didn’t see anything in the “ice fishing tournament” forum.

    New Trier, MN
    Posts: 63

    Lawrence Lake Marina in Brownsville has 3 planned
    Jan 7th, Feb 11th, and March 3rd and I beleive there is talk of a big kids tournament also sometime in March there too.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    The River Road tournament is this weekend on Lake Onalaska.

    Date: Saturday, January 7th
    Where: Sailboat Club Landing, French Island
    Signup Times: 6:00am – 9am
    Tournament Hours: Sunrise to 2:30p.m.
    Entry: $20/person

    Power Augers to go to the winners in each category – Perch, Gills, Crappies, and Northern Pike. Cash prizes 2nd/3rd

    -Tons of door prizes/raffles — Weather is looking nice for Saturday too – should be a fun time…
    -We will have sign-up stations at Shafer’s as well….but are conducting weigh-in at Sailboat club area.
    -Pictured some of the prizes – not all the stuff in my truck/garage I already have too….(tip/ups, buckets, rods, scoops, tackle bags, hats etc)

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    We are planning to host an Ice fishing derby (through the Winona State Fishing Club) on Lake Winona, Winona, Minnesota on February 18th. More info on that to come.. we still are in the process of obtaining prizes for the event.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Can one fish the River Road tournament with a Mn license?

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    Lake Onalaska is part of the river – track to track therefore a MN License works.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    The Frontenac Sportsman’s Club is having their ice fishing contest on Saturday, February 11.

    gunder 2
    North East Iowa
    Posts: 7

    There will be an Ice Fishing tourney for New Albin Fire and Rescue on Jan. 21st 2012. New Albin is in Iowa just south of Brownsville on State Hwy 26. the registration will be at the High Chaparall Tavern. The turney will be open to Pools 8,9,and 10. paying out 1st – third place on bluegill, crappie, perch, walleye, nothern and bass. $30.00 registration includes door prizes, dinner and a tee- shirt.There will also be many raffel items to follow: frabill recon one man flip, power auger many other ice fishing items. children 12 and under will be $10.00 registration, basically covers the meal and shirt.
    Registration starts at 6:30 A.M. All fish must be weigh-in by 5 P.M.any entry after that will not be entered.

    Ron Burgundy
    Utica MN
    Posts: 290

    Got any details hammered out yet for the WSU contest? I’m the guy that drilled all the holes on MLK day with the Eskimo.

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