Jiffy Pro4 ice auger issues

  • servicce
    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    Looking for feedback! Well, back in December I purchase a Jiffy Pro4 propane with an 8 inch auger from my local bait shop. 2 weeks ago for some reason it started leaking propane from somewhere unkown. The bait shop had me bring it in and sprayed soapy water on it and was not able to locate a leak. They called Jiffy and within 3 days I was able to pick up a replacement head unit at the bait shop from Jiffy. Thats Customer Service!! However, took the new one home this past Wednesday, hooked up a bottle, popped right off but I never got on the throttle. Took it out Sat. (yesterday) and what a piece of poop!! This one acts like it has a choke stuck open. When you open the throttle, it sounds like it is a choked gas unit. So, back to the bait shop (at thier request mind you)and now I wait AGAIN for an answer or a new unit. Has anyone else had any issues??? I really love this machine, but when I get a new unit straight from Jiffy and it has issues, I am losing faith quickly. I am sure they (bait shop as well) will take care of me, but this is really starting to suck considering I am loosing valuable ice thickness every week and I would hope quality control would be better on customer replacement units (the requlator is mounted poorly and is getting beat up on a bolt right beside it, my last one was ok) . Comments would be much appreciated,


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 233

    Did you put oil in the new head unit? If my tank sits out in cold weather at night it won’t run right. The claim of good to -20 is just not true.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    Yes it had oil in it. Thats the first thing anyone should do before even attaching the flighting. I had my first one out in -15 temp with a -25 degree windchill and it ran like a top! The design they have in my opinion is awesome. I just had a propane leak in the first one after approx 200-250 holes (two months of use) and this one was bad from word go. There is no reason it shouldn’t work down to -25 F. Propane has a much lower freezing point. Doesn’t freeze going into homes does it??

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 233

    Not trying to disagree, I love the design but mine will not start if its been out on the ice all night. Have to heat it for a few minutes then runs like a champ. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    Sorry, didn’t mean to be crass. I have not had mine out on the ice overnight, but it does stay in an unheated machine shed and has popped off every time (the first one anyway). I am just frustrated that the replacement they sent me runs like a heavily choked carb. Now I can wait another 3-4 days to figure out whats going on. Like I said, my first one ran AWESOME then all of a sudden started leaking propane from somewhere. No one could find it. I have not come accross anyone else that had a “failure” type issue.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    Not trying to disagree, I love the design but mine will not start if its been out on the ice all night. Have to heat it for a few minutes then runs like a champ. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

    This could be because the propane cylinder is getting low. Even a 500 gallon propane tank if getting to low on propane and cold enough temps, will not fire a furnace. That is the reason you never want your propane tank to get to low in the winter. The colder the temp the more propane needed to be in the tank.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 233

    I think you may be right on the tank being low as it will fire right up if a new tank is put on. However it is kind of like throwing a way my 1/4 tank of gasoline in my lawnmower because it doesn’t like the summer temps. Still I like the auger.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    ok, Jiffy is sending a new power unit to the bait shop. It will probably be here on Wednesday. We are going to test this one before I leave I will say that the customer service has been great. I was also informed that they have had a few units with the fuel line (aluminum I think) has caused a few leaks. This is second hand information to me so take it for what it is worth.

    Green Bay Wi
    Posts: 30

    If you keep your tank hooked up all the time a small amount of gas will leak out through the regulator. Brought mine directly to jiffy and thats what they told me the problem was. They should have put an on off gas switch or knob on the unit. When your pressure runs low it does sound and run like its being choaked out. Just switch the canister over to your heater and all is well.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    I have always changed canisters before it got too low, all two times ,My first one was leaking somewhere that nobody could find, so they replaced it. the new one is at the bait shop, going to get it tonight or tommorow and hit some crappies!

    Dillon Radke
    Posts: 3

    Old Post bug great answer to your problems. Take the however you would regularly run from your 20lb lp tank and hook the other end of it to your auger. BUT MaKE SURR YOU HAVE THE FUEL FILTER ATTACHED and it will run like a champ!

    mike mulhern
    Posts: 181

    Your first one was leaking out of the carb mine does all the time so I have to unscrew the tank after every use but it sure does a nice job. I bought mine the first year they came out and the rewind is a little shaky as it will only rewind halfway after the first pull, Two or three pulls and it starts.


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