Man missing in VNP

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    The planes were flying low all over VNP yesterday. Later on we talked with a Park Ranger who said that a man was missing from the otherday who did not arrive at his final destination that evening. We did not get the specifics other than he was apparently pulling 2 fish houses and they thought he either got lost (EASY TO DO) or blew a belt and was forced to spend the night in the park. It was 30 below zero that night and my prayers are with this fellow.

    PLEASE gentleman DO NOT travel alone on extreme expedition fishing trips. There is simply no room for error by yourself. Equipment fails and you cannot go this alone without taking a big risk with cold temps. I surely hope there is a simple reason as to his whereabouts, but this does not look good. I kept a close eye out on our way back from fishing yesterday taking many sidetrips with my customers all helping watch for possible areas he might have traveled with no luck other than seeing deer and a T-Wolf.

    Our prayers are with this man and his family on a safe return. Many people underestimate the mass of woods and water up here. Remember our sled trails cover 70-80 miles of lakes and portages. IF you venture off trails you are literally in NO MANS land.

    By Rochester,MN
    Posts: 708

    Definitely agree with not going with only 1 mode of transportation when traveling out of the way. We hope the best for this man and family. Keep us updated.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Hope he keeps his wits about him and is prepared for the unexpected.. -30 is nothing to mess around with. Prayers for a speedy fix on this guy.


    Posts: 470

    You’re right, it is big country up there and can bite you if you aren’t properly equipped. I hope he was able to stay safe in one of his fish-houses…which raises another question; why does one guy need two fish-houses?? Anyway, I hope he makes it out alright.

    Posts: 5660

    Well………..The Park Ranger visited me today and was kind enough to fill me in on the situation. He said the guy ended up going to Lake Vermillion while his friends waited for him up in Voyageurs national park?????? The park service had planes in the air and many sleds on the ground looking for this guy. They also called in the Search and Rescue team to help out. When they finally got ahold of the man he apparently was pretty short with officials simply stating…..”I was Fishing” and walked away. Estimated $20,000.00 into the search effort.

    Kudos to our Park Service for doing a dilligent job on this mans behalf. On the otherhand……..”COME ON MAN!!!” I will say something doesn’t add up to me on this. Lets see….Your to be meeting your buddies on another lake with one of their fish houses. They are waiting for you and you simply go to another lake an hour away and don’t tell them?? They call the park service worried about the fact you might have got lost, and you state you simply decided to fish another lake??? Then snub the search and rescue team that dumped $20000.00 to find your I’m sorry……..Doesn’t add up to me.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    That guy is a lame and inconsiderate individual.

    Posts: 32

    Lots of situations can be avoided by planning ahead, having the right equipment, and filing a flight plan. Even so, bad things can happen.
    Sounds like in the case it was just a case of pure idiocy. They should send the $20,000 bill for the rescue to this guy, maybe he’d learn his lesson then.

    Posts: 52

    The good part is thankfully no one has to see that idiot dead somewhere on the ice…hopefully someone gets through to him and he realizes he put others at risk trying to find his dumb !

    Becker, Mn
    Posts: 13

    It made me sick when they told us the guy was missing. It made me even MORE sick to know that he was…(ahem)….”fishing” somewhere other than where he said he’d be. What a terrible way to waste the money and resources that are truly NEEDED for this sort of thing. I think this guy should pay back the $20k that was spent on his search. I mean at one time, we had 4 planes circling the small bay we were in. Not to mention all of the other snowmobiles out searching. GRRR!!!! Jicky-jack slapnut!! Maybe you could put that guy to work cleaning whitefish Chris……lol

    Thanks for a great time!


    Posts: 5660


    It made me sick when they told us the guy was missing. It made me even MORE sick to know that he was…(ahem)….”fishing” somewhere other than where he said he’d be. What a terrible way to waste the money and resources that are truly NEEDED for this sort of thing. I think this guy should pay back the $20k that was spent on his search. I mean at one time, we had 4 planes circling the small bay we were in. Not to mention all of the other snowmobiles out searching. GRRR!!!! Jicky-jack slapnut!! Maybe you could put that guy to work cleaning whitefish Chris……lol

    Thanks for a great time!


    LOL!! Maybe Eel Pout too!!

    Yeah I really don’t know why it rubs me wrong, but I guess it was because I too was worried about this guy. The fact is people can get lost up here with the endless amounts of islands and water that can begin to look all the same. I had considered heading back out that evening with another guide and checking some different routes. I was concerned about a guy toughing out a 30 below night on the ice and wondered if he would be resourceful enough to keep himself alive. I figured the park service should might find a fish house somewhere odd where he was keeping himself warm. Well I guess that was on Lake Vermillion??

    Anyway we all are glad he is safe and sound, and hopefully all of us will be able to learn a bit about the importance of proper planning on big adventures that take you off the beaten path. Be sure to tell people precisely where you are going and when you are expected to return. Should you decide to deviate from the plan be sure to tell people this. We need the Park service and Rescue team up here doing a dilligent job keeping people safe in tough weather. We do not need to stress a staff putting themselves in harms way for no reason at all besides tax dollars wasted.

    Again kudos to the pilots that were buzzing us the otherday and kudos to the ground force. I know everyone was scared for what they might find, but for all I know they might have found him pulling the hammer down at the casino.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    I agree with all of you 100%!!! send that idiot the bill! Tax dollars are tight as is and then to have 20K used for no reason! Next thing they will cut the budget and someone will truly need those services. HOW FRUSTRATING!!

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