After a few unsuccesful outings on the river I decided to hit the lakes to put some fish in the frying pan. I hooked up with a friend of mine and we hit the lake bright and early. We both started drilling holes all over as the key was to find active fish and hopefully get a couple out of each hole. He said if you don’t catch anything in the first few minutes move.
Once we started fishing it was aparant that I didn’t have the hot new bait that they were biting on this year (actually there are 2 hot baits this year and I didn’t have either) so after trying everything that I had that was close and with little success I borrowed one of his baits, and started catching fish. The key was to keep the bait moving, always be jigging or moving to a new hole. There were a couple times I was caught watching the Vexilar and not my pole; note, only use the Vexilar to get to the right depth then watch your pole (I need to remember this for next time). A fun day was had by all and everyone had fish to take home for dinner. Aparantly I need to make a trip to the bait shop before my next outing.