The third time was a charm. The first spot in 16fow, nothing, second set up in 12fow, one watch fob after another, time for a walk just as JP Mason shows himself. The third spot in 18fow had an assortment of size coming topside.
The bigger gills could be picked off 12-15 feet below the ice, the bottom held bait thieves.
Jigs of choice were the Bumblebee Gill Pill and Froggie Diamond jig, both size 12.
Changing up the offering kept some bigger gills hangin’ around. A waxie would be dropped for a while then a change to a Gulp Alive Minnow trimmed down would get it’s turn. Both tips work well.
Between 8:30ish and 2:30 the work had paid off producing 15 Blue Ears between 7.5 – 8.5 inches, just the right amount for the Bears and Packer Game next weekend…..yep, there still playin’
I know JP picked off some nice fish also
Good Luck Fishing Iceheads