In the Heart of our guide season I just wanted to give a to Strikemaster for coming through for our guide service. As any “Icehead” realizes you are very dependant on your equipment. As a fishing guide take that times 10. I am running both a 3hp 154 Solo, and the 2.5 Hp Solo. I have also invested in the Electric Strikemaster for quick hitting adventures or Permanent shack drill outs with out the Smoke out effect for customers. The Strikemaster line up dominates the marketplace, and as I’ve noticed lately the Customer service ROCKS the industry. Thank you Strikemaster!!
Have any other guys here used the Electric Auger?? This is a new concept for this guy?? I’m also curious in how you’ve selected your auger as they have so many to choose from. I first purchased the 3hp as is simply seemed to be the “Baddest” auger on the market, but since then also have put the 2.5 into play. Again I’m not suggesting everyone has 3 augers Heck I actually have 4 as I have an older Lazer Mag too.
OK. C-bear is going to send me in for an “Auger Addiction”
What are you guys using??