The first picture is what I started watching around 7 o’clock. The barometer was on the way up, the temp down but, not a bad wind to deal with. Every now and then there was a glance out the window. The plan was to hit ice after work with a friend wanting to try out his new flasher but the wheels on my bus went round and round until there was no stoppin’ the addiction……I’m out of here…need to get on ice and it needs to be now
With the wheels on the bus in motion, the thought of a tough bite was front and center. What to start with and where…..quick and easy is always nice too The first set was going to be a weed edge in 8fow with sand bottom…maybe a rock here or there
After punching 8 holes with the Lazer Mag hoping at least 3 might be just right, there was no need to leave the first hole dropped into…bingo
After trying a series of baits, sticking with a #12 Frog Gill Pill proved to be the right color and made for the correct presentation. Dropping within1 foot of bottom and keeping a nervous twitch to the jig raised a mark, then just keeping the waxie a buzz while slowly lifting either created a fish back to bottom or, a hard thump
The zoom on the MarCum LX-5 never seen rest on this day. Target separation was key, There is no doubt in my mind when that jig n waxie are bouncing on the nostril of a bottom dwelling nomad
Long story short, high noon it was time to follow the orange fins into deeper water. Same presentation as in the shallow but, now in 16-20fow.
For good hook sets deeper, keep an Eagle eye on the spring or rod tip during the quiver, if it stops start a good sweep up to get the bow out of your line. No need for yank and crank but a steady sweep up will put enough bend to the rod and drive the hook home!
The bite died 4ish…I know where they went ….but enough was enough. Today was a great day for the addiction
Finicky bite but fun to figure out
Good Luck Fishing Iceheads