vexilar vs showdown?

  • icepromk
    sw wi
    Posts: 108

    looking into getting another flasher and was wondering about the showdown. does anyone have one? do u like it more or less compared to a vexilar? the vex has already proved itself to me, but wondered if theres a real difference. besides the pricetag????

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    That is a great question. My dad has a Vexilar 8 and works well, I am considering a small troller just for ease of use. I would love to hear what others have to say.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    So far from what i’ve read, the people that have the troller really like them.

    Posts: 19572

    Mine should arrive tomorrow, It looks like a solid unit for the price, I like the fact that it lasts 20 hours on AA batteries.

    Posts: 357

    I have them both FL-8 and a Troller. I am likeing the Troller. It works good with the base mount i make. I picked up a pouch at Cabellas for 14. and it fits nicley in it. I hang the xduce cord from my mount bracket and have put a 12v 3amp battery in it. It makes a nice compact setup and is easy to cary around. it all fits in a 6 gallon pail and the pail is my seat.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Dang nice Speck over 12″ bee

    Posts: 357


    Dang nice Speck over 12″ bee

    Thanks. Lots of those up here. I,m getting stuck on the Troller. Havn,t used the Vex in 2 weeks. Lots of interest in the mounts.Out again today to another spot. Good to have a Compact nice simple unit.

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