I wrote in a week ago about my old Jiffy not cutting when I put on new blades. The suggestions were it had froze up my blades. I thawed it out in the basement and went out Thursday and the same problem. Friday morning I took the blades off and looked close – THEN I noticed the broken weld on the auger where the blades bolt on. I am guessing the new blades produced enough new pressure to break the old weld and bent it down. Took everything to my friend at the body shop and he pounded it back to flat and re-welded it for me. It works SOOOOOOO good now Happy ending to the story is I am catching fish and even willing to drill new holes again. Wish the slush and 4 inches of water would go away – but at least the equipment works again.
December 27, 2010 at 6:14 pm