xxrodbenderxx menomonie wiPosts: 173 December 25, 2010 at 4:02 am #1301979 went to a new little pothole….did alright…….hope you like the pics
mikehd Dousman, WIPosts: 965 December 25, 2010 at 10:24 am #919972 I think I’d hit that pothole again. Nice job on the fish fry.
icenutz Aniwa, WIPosts: 2548 December 25, 2010 at 6:25 pm #920014 I smell fish cooking, good looking bunch of Crappies!! If you ever need someone o join you give me a yell, always looking for someone to fish with.
trekr200 Red Wing, MNPosts: 260 December 28, 2010 at 4:37 pm #920373 mmmm mmmm mmmm…looks like good eatin’
iceman1985 Grand Rapids, MIPosts: 257 December 28, 2010 at 8:53 pm #920416 Mate! Great fish. Not bad for a new pothole. Did you have to dodge the cars or was it not that busy?