has anyone on here taken on the conversion from a pop up camper to a fish house? got a house for about 50.00 and looking to do this as there is a rip in the canvas. as comes with the heater and stove and wiring already. is that enough to keep me warm? also do i have to vent when I take all the canvas off and replace with siding? also how much can that frame take on in weight? just some questions? thanks
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camper conversion
December 21, 2010 at 9:20 pm #919104
Yes I had one, the dang thid went though the ice twice from the sun beating on the tire and melting through the ice.
Make sure you cover those tires up, a vent is always a good idea. The frame can take a fair amount of weight, but I tried to go as light as possible. Good luck and set the hook.December 21, 2010 at 9:43 pm #919108Yeha I figure set up will include the tires coming off. unless I paint them white.
love my white walls.
. but reading a lot on line. seems interesting have not see the shack. do I dare keep the roof and side jack up panels? or just frame around them to keep them? or am I better off just using the base with lights? and building from there up?
December 22, 2010 at 12:07 pm #919224I built one years ago that looked similar to newwood and it worked great. Lots of shacks were getting broken into around here so I sold the thing (I think to someone on this site) before I ran into any troubles. the thing was an absolute POS when I got it and I tore it down to the frame and aluminum base. Framed it all out, put in plywood walls and used thick plexiglass for windows that were too small to crawl through. I used the existing door, but reinforced it and put my own locking mechanism that would make it tough to jimmy open. For the roof, I used thin OSB and covered it with rubber. I’ll see if I can’t dig up some pictures.
December 22, 2010 at 12:42 pm #919231that would be good. How tough is it to get rid of the roof/take off? as that seems to be the hardest part coming. and yes teh plexiglass windows seem great., but want something I can open. maybe. also if I use the heater that comes with the camper do I need to make some more vents? or is taht vented? also trying to keep the lower parts as for the wiring already done and work great. camper is in better shape then I thought. and he also had the skirting he gave me with it. we will see. nothing but up hopefully.
where did you find the rubber roof? I was thinking of plywood, then the “roll/paint on roof you put on like shingles?
December 23, 2010 at 3:44 am #919534Mine has the original roof and I could use the ceiling vent why change it if it don’t leak? The heater was vented and warmed it up real nice I had to turn it on low after awhile. It had double pane windows on hinges that opened to the inside and was used for hunting also.
December 23, 2010 at 1:12 pm #919600it is the canvas type, so no windows in it yet, but I did find a sign company north of me that will give my all the 1/2 [plywood I need they get there signs in crates and jsut junk them.
. hopefully I can get theis done on the cheap, but will insulate well. what are the prices of Pink, blue and White insulation as do not want fiberglass due to keeping the moisture.
Posts: 76December 24, 2010 at 2:33 pm #900040Pm me if you are looking for some rubber for the roof- I am a contractor and have some I wold be willing to trade for a fishing trip when you get your house done.
Richie Pettet iii
Posts: 1December 1, 2016 at 7:45 pm #1654088Do you by chance have any plans for how you made your pop up like this. We are looking to do something similar looking for different plans.
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