I just “had to” get out and try it. It was raining all morning until about 11 when it started with those big ol flakes. I loaded everything up and headed out. Lake had huge puddles on it so it was wet. By the time I pulled out to my spot the Otter was full of snow, so now the inside was going to be wet too. The good part was it did not take me long to drill the holes. Fished for 2 hours without one fish on flasher. Since now everything was soaked, I headed home. Tried to clean stuff up as much as possible, and then of course it got cold and NOW stuff is frozen. DRAT
sounds like I’ve found a kindred spirit! I’m famous for getting stubborn about it(what my wife calls it when she’s in a generous mood) and, well, ending up later frozen and wet, usually with some piece of equipment broken or lost wondering “what the hell was I thinking?” Mostly I was thinking “I just GOTTA catcha fish!”
You’re not the only one, but I don’t know what kind of company that puts us in! 
