clam voyager txc

  • rofole
    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 54

    im looking at buying a clam voyager txc, i really like the shack but sometimes i go with two other people so i am wondering if it is still enough room to have somebody in a chair or if there is one with 3 seats in it or if you could buy another seat to put in

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I think fishing 3 people inside there will get a little cramped. The fishable ice space is only 27 Sq. feet so you would most mikely be limited to 3 holes total with other gear on the floor. I’m sure you could purchase a extra seat for it but I’d guess the cost would be rather high. I’d take a look at the Otter Pro ice Resort. It has 35 Sq,. feet of fishing space and comes with 3 seats. The tub is much more heavy duty and the poles are as well. I’d take a look at one first before buying at least

    Lake Osakis,MN
    Posts: 241

    I have the regular Voyager, not the txc but basically the same size. Three people is going to be crowded. I have had three in mine and it’s cramped. You can do it but I think you would be able to fish three more comfortably with a bigger house.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    I just finished putting together my Clam Voyager TXC but have not fished in it as of yet. Fishing 3 guys will work depending the size of guys. If you only fish 3 guys on an occasion then go for it. If you fish 3 guys more times than not I would look for a bigger set up.

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