hot bite(s) on Madison chain

  • tedpeck
    Genoa Wi
    Posts: 267

    Two good bites are happening now on the Madison chain. Perch are active right in the middle of Lake Monona taking black/purple rockers w/spikes on hanger rigs over 55 ft. of water. Its a long walk out there from anywhere, but winnequa drive is probably the shortest. Once you’re find the fish you need to keep moving to stay on top of ’em–but the school is 8-9 ft. thick on the bottom!
    Bluegills are pounding on L. Kegonsa off of the golf course in about 4-6 ft. of water. Black Ratso or Rat finkee with purple techniglow tail working pretty well. Most gills are keepers.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    From what I have heard that chain of lakes can have a good walleye bite on cranks in the summer months too. Thanks for the report. Keep em comin!
    Thanks, Bill

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