Targeting Crappies at First Ice

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m going to admit right from the start that I’ve done very, very little early season crappie fishing.

    My ice season starts with chasing walleyes and I don’t even really start to think about pannies until after the 1st of the year. This is likely my loss but those early season walleyes are so darn much fun I’ve not been able to tear myself away in years past.

    I’d like to change that and I’m starting to gather up some ideas for a first ice crappie show that would be a bit of a change of pace from the crappie shoots we’ve done in year’s past that have been done mid to late season.

    So my question is this… for you crappie nuts, what are your favorite patterns during the first couple weeks of the season? I’m not looking for locations. I’m looking for techniques, presentations, depths, type of water fished (deep/clear, shallow/bog stained, river, lake, etc.).

    Thanks guys.

    red wing, mn
    Posts: 165

    I know that once in awhile the backwater areas will kick out some nice crappie early ice right here in town, but it is different from year to year. We will usually just go from one gin pole to the next in the boat marinas and get one here or there. It is usually not real consistant but it may be worth it if the fish are in the bay. This year with all the nice crappie showing up maybe the backwater bite will be good. Good Luck in your search

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    I like to fish the woody channel edges of the yellow river on castle rock lake. As the season progresses it seems to be better in the channel. Plastic tails and small jigs get the job done first ice.

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    Im quite a ways from you guys in MN. But we are usually fishing relatively shallow water on Brushy Creek early in the year. Brush piles on the bottom, tree line edges are where we do the most damage early in the year. 12-18fow through the end of early ice, and move out to doing more suspended fishing in 25-35 fow later in the season. Like was said, jig and plastic, ratsos, and spoons are tough to beat early. And for the most part, we get a mixed bag of crappies, gills, and perch. Very rarely just crappies.

    Id just love to live in a place where there was enough walleyes to be a ‘target’ species. They are bonus fish around here!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    The Vermillion river is a riot, 3′ water on the wood at the banks and cuts, live bait. No shack because of the shadow. They only seem to be in that area a couple of weeks a year at early ice, lots of fun!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    For the active fish I generally use jigging spoons armed with trebles because the crappies like to tear in hit and fly….the hooking percentage goes way up. I also like somewhat larger profiled lures….the 1/16 JBLures Jigging-n-Eye is one, the Lindy Flyer in 1/16, JBLures Orka Diver in 1/16 has been good off docks this year already and will see early ice with me. Doctored Kastmasters and Swedish Pimples are other solid tools are are the CJS Jigging Demon and the Lindy Frostee spoon.

    For added enticement on an average bite I’d prefer plastics like standard nuggies, white, pink, purple and orange that will hang almost straight down off the trble hook. CJS has some finesse plastic products that do well too.

    IF the crappies are showing me some reasonable activity, I switch over to a 1/32 collarless conventional jighead and use a minnow bait something on the oreder of the 2″ power minnow or the 2 1/2″ Gulp. If the plastic size brings hook-up issues after stepping up, I’ll swith to the Gulp 1″ minnows on a 1/32 head sporting a #8 hook, with the point turned out ever so slightly.

    Posts: 3835

    Young of the year perch immitations. go devils.

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 216


    I like to fish the woody channel edges

    always proves to have big ‘pies round those areas! man are they a blast when you can find them! good luck

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks for all the ideas, guys. I haven’t made up my mind where I’m going to head to scratch this itch but it is on the top my list of bites to tap into as soon as we get some walkable ice.

    Eric Pomplun
    janesville, wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    i’ve caught a lot of my crappies on either a gill pill or diamond jig with spikes or plastics. usually in weedy bays that have good green weeds still(cabbage,coontail are usually the best)in water around 11 feet or less. I’ve also done well with demon jigging spoons tipped with spikes.

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    My favorite crappie spot doesn’t freeze until XMAS or so

    30 FOW just a few feet from 19 FOW. The crappies come off the shelf and are more than willing to eat a spoon with a minnow head on it or a minnow on a deadstick

    Bring on the COLD

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