Pop Up Shelters

  • Czech
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1574

    So either I’m getting too old or the fisher twins are too young, but the Otter shack is getting too darn heavy to drag (even without the bench seat!). Yes, I know it is good justification for an ATV and I know about runners, but I’m seriously considering selling the Otter and buying a pop up for the few times we go and need a shack to warm up. So what do I look for in a good pop up for me and two 9 year olds (and maybe Mom occasionally)? Thanks gang. CZ

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    sat on one last year, I’m pretty sure it was the Clam insulated one, I thought the insulation added some bulk and also added some weight. The guy we went with had an Otter sled and all the stuff fit in there, auger, bait, Clam, and a cooler of beverages and snacks. So if you go this way or pull a flip over what weight are you losing? I’d look into a smaller flip over. just enough to cycle people through to stay warm.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 169

    I Got an Eskimo QuickFish 3 last year. It is the perfect lightweight shelter. It fold up into a backpack or fits perfectly into a sled. It sets up in less than a minute and has tons of room, including being able to stand up in it, and im 6’4″. Definitely check this one out if your interested!!

    Posts: 154

    Fall is in the air I have a clam voyager,with the insulated top and really like that and it is lighter than a otter,they make one that flips out both sides and you could get 4 people in there or have tons of room for 2 that will be my next 1

    Posts: 449

    I too went with a pop-up last year and loved it. Instead of using a heavy duty type sled though, I opted for a cheap light weight tub just big enough for my gear. It all worked out great, and I never even used my flip-over once last year. I would just look them over at a local sporting goods store once they get the displays up and do a little comparison shopping. They all tend to be of the same basic quality, especially considering you will only be using it a few times a year. Since weight is of a main concern for you, I would stay away from an insulated pop-up. Also, expect a little learning curve on setting one up (I would practice at home) as they are in no way as easy as a flip-over. Most are plenty big enough for an adult and 2 boys, but may be cramped for all 4 of you. Don’t forget you will need some chairs.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    Pop up shelters are useful. I bring a matt to set on the floor to help keep my chairs steady and prevent the accidental slip on the ice if one isn’t wearing their ice cleats all the time.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    hey neighbor I got the base camp 2 years ago and love it, lightweight and easy to carry and pack into a vehicle or trailer, I have an otter lodge and use the pop up more frequently. If you want to look at one before you buy let me know, I would like to get the command post next for more room and space and not much of a bigger footprint for traveling or weight really.

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