Lake Onalaska Tourney

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    There will be a tourney at Lake Onalaska this Saturday, Feb. 21. It is put on by the Lion’s Club. Tourney starts at 10 and ends at 3. Tickets can be purchased at the former Red Sails parking lot. This will also be the weigh-in headquarters. Fish must be brought in alive and must not be caught before 10 that morning. I have not heard what there is for door prizes. The prizes for biggest fish for each species is cash.

    Posts: 5130

    One other thing..this includes the entire Lake Onalaska. So this is not limited to just the main lake area. This is a very large area to find fish, only problem is getting them back alive. I am sure I will fish the lake for giggles at least

    Posts: 31

    have plans sat. but may think about sunday……..of course the way they bit last sunday may have to look into trying a different “honey-hole”

    Posts: 813

    That was my question; if you fish by the runway lights do you have to race like a bat out of &#!! to get the fish registered. Also, on a poster we have up at work it says the tourney is from 11:00AM to 3:00PM, with the drawings @ 4:00 PM Is there a certain time you can set up at? I just want to get my ducks in a row. If you see my son with his “magic stick” you may want to set up about a 100 yards away so he can scare everything towards you. Good luck to all.

    Posts: 5130

    Belgian-You may be correct on the time it starts. Last year I was fishing at the runway lights for the tourney , and yes I did drive like mad up there . That really sucks because when you leave, you usually do not get your spot back . I ended up keeping water in a bucket to put panfish in. Maybe we all should get a “magic stick” and wake these fish up . I will probably be at the runway lights, or the cribs, or…who knows. The fish are there, but finding the active fish is the challenge.

    P.S. You can set up at any time and fish whenever. But they say you cannot weigh fish caught before it begins

    Posts: 98

    i”l be there looking for the big ones

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    I’ll be working.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Watson and I started fishing around 11a.m….out by the airport lights…We had seen some GOOD BASS there earlier and were hoping some tip-ups would result in a few LMB.
    WRONG –Not 1 flag.

    Meantime, we were jiggin away in the otter for anything that would bite…Watson started off early w/one Crappie , but the end result was about the same as that Crappie…CRAPPY …If anyone did get into some fish today on Lake Ona, I am very happy for them , I don’t think i’ll be back to the Lake until i’m throwing for Monster Spring Bass

    The Warden decided to pay us a nice visit while we were fishing….I heard someone walk up to the otter, and sure enough…it unzipped and there he was…COME ON IN!!! We were fine, showed him our licenses and shot the shizzle for a few minutes and he was on his way…Nice enough guy. Only the 2nd time I’ve ever been asked…1st time ever ice-fishing..

    Oh well, better luck next time….What about some of you other guys that were out…any luck???

    Posts: 98

    i went fishn on the lake and got 2nd at the tourney w/ a .54 lb sunfish

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Nice job ‘Kid…

    How was the bite otherwise?

    Posts: 98

    we had alot of lookers but thhe bigger ones would storm in and some would bite and some would back off we also saw some pretty decent bass and sunfish my friend that was with me caught a 11 inch crappie alot of little bass would stormm in and hit it also

    Posts: 813

    Did any one else see the northern that won? A VERY nice 13.31lb brute. They said the 2nd place fish was 12lb but it looked a lot smaller, still a nice fish though. Very nice day but not too much to talk about in terms of fish. I spent most the day moving around and scooping my holes out. My son said he was setting traps by filling in the holes with snow. The only one that got a wet foot was him. Time to hit the water @ Genoa.

    Posts: 98

    i saw the fish. one guy caught both the first and second place northern. the bass that got first was pretty nice too it weighed 4.5 lbs i think?

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