jiffy ice auger

  • secretsqurrel
    Posts: 1

    i have a auger about 3 years old drilled probably 40 holes with it and am really unsatisfied with it. it has no power compaired to the guys i am fishing with with the older ones. i will drill a hole and going through the ice it just stops and labors. the guys with the older ones the screem through the ice. what is going on this thing is brand new. 40 holes in 3 years ( only because they dont want to use mine and i leave it at home because of the emarassment).

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    By a Strike Master

    Now to be serious ..check the edge on your blades , are they sharp? old fuel? run out good? which model do you have ?

    s/w WI.
    Posts: 1404

    That is the exact problem I had with my Jiffy. I gave it to my nephew and bought a Strike Master.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 8

    try messing with the carburator its probably not getting enough fuel.

    Posts: 43

    Shoot me a pm or call 218-531-0018. Alma, wi. I’ll take it off your hands.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    Is it a 10″, if so they all stall when breaking through…

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