Well I finally got a weekend off to be on the ice. Mobility, bait presentation, and location was a must to put fish on the ice. Started out on Saturday at Ryans bay, fished 23-25 ft. of water marking a lot of fish but not being able to make them commit. Finished the evening with my wife at Foster hitting a mixture of trout, Gills, Perch, and crappies. The snow is very deep so it makes it difficult to be on the move. Sunday was a better day, I was at Wabasha marina, pontoon slough, and Alma area. A portable shack is a good locating tool as you will be able to see fish moving in the area. Drill a bunch of holes so when you do find the fish you are able to keep on the move, pay close attetion to the depth and the direction the fish are moving, key in on a pattern and work the area. The best depth was 3-4 ft close to current breaks. You will notice many of lookers but the takers are hitting hard.
Tight lines #5