Best Way to Store Portable Ice Shanty

  • ses
    Mississippi River
    Posts: 168

    Being that mother nature has done her part with making the ice disappear, I have been contemplating on the best way to store my new shanty for the off season.

    Hanging from garage rafters, take apart, dry and fold it up like it was when I bought it, store it in basement in the flipped down position (takes up room)………decisions, decisions, decisions.

    Any ideas to share?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I have always just folded up neatly, put cover on, put in the corner of the garage… Seems to work just fine for me…

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I put up two 4′ X 4′ shelves that are connected to one wall of the garage and hang the other end from chains. Perfect size for putting the one man shacks on. Keeps them where the mice cannot get at them.

    E Ashwell
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 423

    In the basement storage room.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    If you can get the canvass off and store that inside that’s the way to go!

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    If you can get it inside somewhere I would think that would be best. If not hanging would be good too. Call me paranoid, but I have seen quite a few chewed up by mice and I don’t want mine to end up like that. Mine stays in the finished basement.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I lift mine on a shelf I’ve got in the corner of my garage. It is a couple 16×4 feet. It’s not the easiest getting it lifted up there by myself, but it can be done. Then it’s out of the way until this winter.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    I put mine up in the rafters in the garage. I also toss in a handful of cedar shavings. Helps keep bugs and mice out and always smells nice in the fall.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    I hang mine from the rafters in the garage with the bike pulleys they sell.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 168

    Sounds like just about any which way a guy wants to do it works.

    Time to find the shanty a home I guess.

    Thanks guys!

    Bloomington Wi.
    Posts: 40

    I hang it with ropes from the rafters so it sets level.I have done this for over 29 years and it is as good as it was when I bought it. I think that the big thing is to keep it out of the sun. Now my son thinks that we need a new one,that folds out,insted of one that folds up.Hey I have caught a lot of fish in this portable shanty,and it works great.

    Iowa - Franklin Co
    Posts: 277

    I also store mine up the rafters of the garage. I load up all my ice fishing stuff (auger, vex, tackle, poles, buckets etc) AFTER AFTER AFTER I have dried and cleaned everything up. I let everything sit in the nice warm sun and breeze for a day before I haul it up. I bought a block and tackle set up and can pull the whole thing up with one hand. I tried with just one pulley first and I could not get it up there. I do notice that as I get older I can’t get it up like I used to – maybe thats just me

    Posts: 6

    I am pretty easy with this. I make sure to dry it all out at the end of the season, and fold it neatly. Put the cover on and put it in a place with little traffic. Your good to go.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595

    I put mine on a metal shelf in my shop, I am not worried about the mice as much as I am about the bugs. (Mainly mud daubers and wasps) I have so much one bite mouse poison all around the shop the mice aren’t interested in chewing on anything else.

    After looking at this picture I see that I need to get my wife out there to dust.

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