In speaking with some of the folks at Strikemaster the past few days, it’s been one of their busiest seasons ever. Now that things are starting to slow down if only slightly, they’re curious to hear about your experiences thus far, good and bad. How does it compare to your previous model, are you satisfied overall, etc?
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Ice Fishing Forum » Experiences with the Strikemaster Solo Thus Far
Experiences with the Strikemaster Solo Thus Far
February 23, 2010 at 7:22 pm #845290
I got to run a bunch of holes with Cal’s Solo the other night. Hands down, this thing kicks butt, best ice drilling machine I have used
Its light and fast, I could drill holes all day long with this and never get tired
February 23, 2010 at 7:32 pm #845293I just got a 3hp solo last Monday and have drilled 350- 400 holes with it and all I can say is WOW! I had a lm 3000 for the last 12 years and it was a bear to drag around at 45lbs but the solo is so mutch lighter and faster I find my self drilling more without sore arms and back.
I did notice that it’s a lot harder on fuel than my older auger and mutch louder with that said you’d have to pry my Solo from my cold dead hands to take it from me.
Great job on a sweet drill Strikemaster
February 23, 2010 at 7:38 pm #845298Picked up a Solo a few weeks ago and so far so good! It’s a hole drillin’ machine. The recoil does stick a little bit every once in a while(heard there have been some problems with this) Luckily Thorne Bros. gave me an extra recoil just in case.
February 23, 2010 at 8:07 pm #845305Absolutely love my 2.5 hp 8″ Solo Lazer. I can go out and drill 30 to 40 holes without killing myself. I have used it to re-open holes with no problems at all. I have drilled around 400 holes since getting it and it is amazing. My cousin is looking at getting one to replace his old jiffy. He lost his right arm from the elbow down and he loves how easy it drills and light it is.
Just a question is it possible to get one setup with the throttle on the left side? He cannot operate the throttle with the hook on his right arm and has to turn the auger around, this places the muffler facing him which is not the best idea.
February 23, 2010 at 9:18 pm #845328IceNutz – glad to hear you like your solo. Just checked with Strikemaster’s Operations Mgr., and he mentioned that their system doesn’t allow for a left-hand modification. He apologized, as he would’ve liked to have helped your cousin out.
Even though the exhaust would be directed towards him, I don’t believe it blows it straight up at your face, and the plastic muffler shield doesn’t get too hot.
February 23, 2010 at 10:01 pm #845353I think everyone is pretty happy with the new solo and that goes for me also. The look one someones face when they run it for the first time is priceless.
And im running a lazer pro
February 24, 2010 at 12:55 am #845413I used my new Solo Lazer Mag over the weekend and drilled a bunch of holes. This thing rocks compared to my old Lazer, even though I still like the old one and I can’t part with it after so much loyality.
I found out if I’m not careful while drilling holes through thick ice/snow, you can soak your pants.
I really like the ice holes clear of ice though, and giving it throttle while pulling on the auger can make a mess…
This must be their busiest year, because I helped a friend find one and most places are sold out. I did find a few leftovers in a bait shop, and he has a new Solo Lazer Mag now.
Terry Heese
Posts: 168February 24, 2010 at 1:04 am #845417I have the 3 HP Solo & like it but be careful when drilling around brush or tree limbs. This machine has so much torque that if you hit something, it will flat tear the auger out of your hands. First time it happened to me, the throttle stuck & it stood in the hole spinning wide open. Had to tackle it to stop it & broke the on/off switch in the process. Strikemaster sent me a new one asap @ n/c.
February 24, 2010 at 1:52 pm #845596Quote:
I got to run a bunch of holes with Cal’s Solo the other night. Hands down, this thing kicks butt, best ice drilling machine I have used
Its light and fast, I could drill holes all day long with this and never get tired
I have the 224 drill on my solo 3 hp head and it drill like its mad at something. Its a very smooth cut from start to finish…I would have to say that I do use up more gas with the 3 hp. I love the way that solo echo’s across the lake in the morning.
February 24, 2010 at 1:58 pm #845597Quote:
I got to run a bunch of holes with Cal’s Solo the other night. Hands down, this thing kicks butt, best ice drilling machine I have used
Its light and fast, I could drill holes all day long with this and never get tired
well then Bob, you’re really gonna feel like tough guy when you try out out my 2 hp 7″. I’ve already converted one guy this year to the 7″
February 24, 2010 at 7:08 pm #845618Quote:
I got to run a bunch of holes with Cal’s Solo the other night. Hands down, this thing kicks butt, best ice drilling machine I have used
Its light and fast, I could drill holes all day long with this and never get tired
well then Bob, you’re really gonna feel like tough guy when you try out out my 2 hp 7″. I’ve already converted one guy this year to the 7″
Then I can put my 20+ year old Jiffy to bed
February 24, 2010 at 10:29 pm #845845The solo seemed to work great while I was watching Joel punch holes with it
February 25, 2010 at 1:07 am #845903Quote:
Then I can put my 20+ year old Jiffy to bed
Don’t do that,……I may need a post hole digger this summer
February 25, 2010 at 2:20 am #845933Quote:
Then I can put my 20+ year old Jiffy to bed
Don’t do that,……I may need a post hole digger this summer
SOLD, I hope that does not cost me any fish bucks
March 2, 2010 at 7:00 pm #848153Joel, See my Fishapalooza post for a Solo report.
I passed all the good words onto the Strikemaster reps at the Ice Bash Friday night. I talked to several more hole drillers Saturday night. They all said they are upgrading after using them!We did have 1 out of the 53 that wanted to bog down and kill if you let it idle. It didn’t stop the guy he just kept it pinned and kept right on drilling. D-Rock said they were going to tweak it on Monday.
March 3, 2010 at 4:50 am #8484403 HP SOLO LAZER PRO here. It’s the bomb! Do not get this baby around any timber or anything it will break your wrists!! Lots of power, makes backwaters on the river almost dangerous lol
March 3, 2010 at 1:11 pm #848487Quote:
We did have 1 out of the 53 that wanted to bog down and kill if you let it idle. It didn’t stop the guy he just kept it pinned and kept right on drilling. D-Rock said they were going to tweak it on Monday.
Ferny a simple fix to a bog down on the solo is to open the gas cap and let in some air. These new machines don’t have the vent like previous Tecumsah motors. Sometimes opening the gas cap opens up the throttle more…
March 9, 2010 at 2:28 pm #851048I have had overall great experience. There is a common trend when I use my 2.5 hp solo with 8″ lazer around people and that is “I sure would hate to race you in a hole drilling contest!” It is definitely a cutting machine.
Only a couple small issues. one is the recoil can be sticky and I luckily haven’t sprung the spring yet. The other was not really the equipments problem but I had an issue where it floodeed out. We had some rain storms this year and my air filter gor wet and froze. When I tried starting it, it was like having the choke on constantly and flooded the machine. I pulled the air cleaner and ran it without until it unthawed over the trucks defrost.
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