Come and see us you have lots of options, we can lay it out on a frame , square or v front . yes the v pulls better long hauls, loose some in side space , square gives you a lot more room if you not putting a pile of miles on. Call me anytime to talk turkey !!!!! Eric
Hey Eric…Welcome to IDO..
Glad to have you on board…
I don’t have a wheel house, but if I did….I would want one with slider like a summer camper more room to extend out vs length. Also like to have a sleeping system where its on a track system so you can raise when not in use almost tight to the ceiling and lower when its time to turn the lights out…Ultimately saving space for fishing. I would like to have hydraulic system or some other leveling systme other than the traditional jacks to raise and lower the fish house.. just a few thoughts I have been dreaming about.