Hello –
I know we have had a post like this somewhat before but here it goes again. I just sold my 6.5 x 12 foot King Crow fish house on wheels. Main reason because we are having a kid in June but I am hoping to puchase a new one in a year or 2. However, I want it make the purchase to exactly what I want.
My first thing I need is a light wheelhouse that can be pulled with a polaris 500 wheeler. The size I will be getting is 6.5 x 12 for sure maybe 6.5 x 14 depending on weight. I was able to pull the King Crow but want to expand my search a little when looking for the next house. What do you guys have and do you know the weight of your house? I have heard Ice Castles are heavy and almost impossible to pull with a wheeler? Anyone have that experience? Other options are Performance engineering out of Glencoe or Dandy out of Clearwater. Has anyone pulled these houses with a wheeler or know much about there weight. Some advice about a good quality fish house along with being light weight would be great. Thanks everyone.