So I’ve kicked around the idea of adding a couple spear houses to my guide service over the past couple years. I just can’t wrap my brain around whether I am for it or against it. On one hand I like the combination of Hunting/fishing for the biggest and baddest, but on the otherhand I never keep the biggest and baddest when fishing hook and line, and am freaky when it comes to making sure the fish is unharmed. I’m always concerned about preserving the fishery, and know that even though I’m 1 angler I lead many others to the biggest and baddest fish. I personally haven’t ever Speared, but know from my love of hunting that I probably would enjoy the sport. From other more experienced guys here on IDO I’m very interested in a FRIENDLY discussion on this to see what the general viewpoints are on Spear Chucking?? Here are a couple of my questions?? If your a guy who would insist on releasing a trophy pike in the open water season would you find yourself sticking the same fish through the ice?? Do Spear Fisherman let big fish go?? Do you mount 15lb pike or do you pickle them?? I know the sport has a long rich history, and I like the Les Kouba?? Spearhouse series of prints, and know my grandpa hucked spears. What do you guys think?? For example if I promote SPEAR FISHING through my guide service we’ll kill a lot of big fish?? I’m just going to lay back and listen……..I know hard for me to do.

Posts: 5660
February 6, 2010 at 3:13 pm