Looking at used strikemasters

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Hello – so I am looking at some used strikemasters and am having a hard time finding information on line so I thought I would see what you guys know…

    There are two that I have found
    1) STRIKEMASTER LAZOR XL-3000 ICE AUGER 3 HP 8″ ($275)
    2) Strikemaster ultra mag 2hp 9 inch ($215)

    I am wondering if you guys know anything about this or if one is better than another. one thing I did find is that auger number 2 might be a little under powered as I believe this one is a 3 blade.

    Here is a generic question… what should a guy make sure an aguer has? what type of questions should I be asking regaurdless of model. Fishing style might have something to do with these answers and to provide that I am a weekend guy that gets out and drills between 2 and 15 holes when I go.

    for example
    What I have read on this site is the LAZER blades are awsome but is the chipper style something to stay away from?

    There are just to many models and not enough information on the websites for the specifics so any tid bits of information I can use before I purchase one would be great.

    Thanks again!


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    funny you mentioned the XL-3000. I bought one years ago and the thing was garbage right out of the box. Started fine, idled fine but half way through the ice it would puke out on me. I called up strikemaster and they had me send it in. They were convinced I was running it on choke and there was nothing wrong with it. I ended up replacing it about 5 years ago with a Lazer mag express which has not skipped a single beat. great auger! anyway, I ended up winning another XL-3000 a few years back which not 2 minutes before your post came up I was thinking about selling it but wondering if other guys had the same issue as I did with my original one or if I just got a bad one. I haven’t even put gas in it so I’m not sure how it runs.

    and sorry for getting off topic, but to give you my opinion, the price on the XL seems a little steep, and I can’t vouch on the chipper blades, but the 2 horse is definitely not underpowered. I’ve got a 10 inch on my lazer mag and it goes through the ice just fine.

    Posts: 4521

    Neither, the 3 hp motor is heavy and hard to start, The Ultra had a recall because the 3 blades iced up all the time. I have owned the 3 hp and the Ultra and you need to look at the Lazer Mag 2 blade auger, it will make you a very happy ice fisherman.

    Webster City, IA
    Posts: 198

    I can actually offer insight on both. I have one and my brother has the other. I bought a used XL-3000 last year for $225 on Craigslist and it has worked great for me. It fires up first or second pull and powers through the ice easily. I will say that it is pretty heavy compared to my brothers. His is lighter, but drills slower with the chipper blade. I personally like that everything on my slightly older xl-3000 is metal rather than all of the new plastic parts. I just run mine with a little bit of seafoam once in a while in the gas and it runs great. I don’t think you can really go wrong with either one. I think buying new augers is rediculous right now with the wealth of used augers on the market selling for half the price of new.

    Posts: 5

    I agree, neither…buy a jiffy “legend” 3 hp. Make sure to buy a tecumseh motor (not sure on the newer motors…have yet to hear if reliable). Nothing plastic..all metal, metal on/off switch, metal throttle actuator, metal gear housing. Years and years of trustworthy output

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 70

    I bought a used XL3000 two years ago and the auger is awesome. If your not the owner its a little tricky to start, but I’m used to it so it fires on the second pull. Everyone awes at how fast it cuts through the ice. I’ve had many strangers walk up to ask what kind of set up i’m using because it will pound out 4 holes through 24 inches of ice faster then most augers will with 1 hole.

    Posts: 974

    For the type of fishing you do,(your not drilling 50-100 holes a day) you dont need a 3HP auger, and as for chipper or lazer blades if your not looking for rocket speed go with the chipper its a little more forgiving if you hit some sand or if it gets a little rust on it, its still going to cut, as for brand you cant go wrong with Jiffy or Strikemaster they both are great and I have one of each, I did get to try the new Jiffy SD60i 2HP with the new motor( they run about $300 and have a Warranty,you dont get that on a used auger ) it started on the first pull and ran great, was easy to carry and it cut great, just not as fast as my STX Pro the only thing that I cant get past is all the plastic, the guys from Jiffy that I talked to say it has been tested and holds up in extream cold, its just not for me I like metal
    it just comes down to what you want to spend,
    Look in the IDO classifieds p4walleye has a 02 strikemaster lazer mag Xpress listed for $200

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    mrwalleye is right about the pricing on some of the used augers that are out there. The market is flooded with them from all manufacturers and new models from both Strikemaster and Jiffy are coming in around $300 – $325 right now. And those prices will only get lower the later we get into the season. A used auger at $275 seems steep to me. I’d be shopping in the $175 – $200 range and I would expect the auger to be in mighty fine shape. If I couldn’t find what I was looking for in that price range I would go with a new auger and consider it an investment with a warranty.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Thanks for all the response guys. That 275 is what he is asking not what I would pay, but very happy that you are looking out for my pocketbook as well .

    I started looking new and in this area (la crosse/Onalaska) the big guys are pretty much sold off theirs already. Gander had a couple 10″ left, but really wanted to stay around 8″. I guess I will have to search a little harder. I looked in the classifieds before listing and only saw fishnutbob’s but not looking at it again I see it is part of a group that is why I missed it.

    Thanks again and I think from what I am hearing Used prices are a bit high, and can’t really go wrong with strikemaster or Jiffy and for my type of fishing most models will be just fine

    Thanks again!

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    Has anyone seen any good deals in the Minneapolis Area? I think John may be passing through there tomorrow night and again on Sunday.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I agree with James. For $275 you might as well as go new, that way you’ll be able to get some kind of warranty. I bought a new Eskimo last year for $248 and have been very pleased with it, still starts on the 1st pull (granted the fuel is good and mixed properly).

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    Look on craigslist.org for the Minneapolis area. Lots of options there. Although, it seems like they are more like 60% to 80% of the new price which is holding me back from buying used. New listings daily.

    Posts: 4521

    Gander has $50 off all augers right now. The 2hp solo was $299 new with a 8″ chipper blade.

    Posts: 329

    G o to D-Rock new solos used to cut holes for Brainard contest on sale.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694


    Gander has $50 off all augers right now. The 2hp solo was $299 new with a 8″ chipper blade.

    not the 1 in onalaska

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    My tecumseh-is listed at 200 but i could probably get 250 for it if I put it in the paper. Tecumseh being the keyword. Wanted to throw it out here and support the site first. Won’t be heartbroken if my icegear doesn’t sell- when my kids are big enough to icefish with me I will probably buy a whole new setup if they enjoy it. It’s not a good time to sell icegear, but after 2 seasons of not being able to get out-it’s got to go.

    Mr.walleye, thanks for the shout-I have never met you, and that was incredibly kind of you to mention the post. Tight lines yall-p4.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    do you know how much they were selling them for? D rock is in New Brighton, right?

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