Dual Fuel Lanterns/Stoves

  • LimpFish
    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Gonna by a new lantern and curious to see how many people use unleaded gasoline (verses white gas) in the dual fuel models.

    I’ve always had the type that used white gas only. Obviously a lot cheaper to use the unleaded gas, but wondering if there’s a compelling reason to stick with the white gas?




    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I’ve wondered the same thing but have always stuck with the white gas style. My reason is because I have a Coleman stove that uses the white gas and I have that with me. I guess if you have a 4 stroke power auger and have straight gas maybe that makes it worth it to change.

    I have also wondered about fumes put off by the gas v.s. the white gas for sitting in the shack at night.

    Good luck with this one.

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    I have both and run the unleaded stuff in them. When I go to Canada camping the white gas is one less thing I have to take. I use gas from the extra boat gas I take with me. No difference in fumes or taste of food. I think they’re great.

    wooly bugger
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 32

    I’ve burned gas many times without any problems. You just have to keep on top of maintenance. Burning gas will cause carbon buildup in the generator. This is easily removed with a little acetone. So just keep it clean, and you shouldn’t have any problems.

    As a side note I’ve bought a Petromax lantern this last year for camping, and power outages emergencies. I have a tank of kerosene at the house for back up heat, light, cooking. This lantern/fuel combo is my new favorite. Kerosene is relatively cheap and burns nicely.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    I have one and it’s been a while since I burned unleaded in it. If I remember right, the white gas burns a lot cleaner. When burning unleaded, the globe seemed to get dirty fairly fast. It is a goog option just in case you can’t find the white gas.

    Posts: 1291

    I have used the dual fuel,could not tell the difference,except in the price of fuel.Last time I looked the white gas was 6.00 a gallon !Non-oxy premium works good overall.

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 889

    I have a duel fuel Coleman Power House and only burn unleaded gas in it. Surprised to hear that they get dirty fast. Don’t think I have ever cleaned the glass in mine. It sat for several years without being used. I dumped the gas out, put in fresh and it worked great. When I first start it every year it will be bright and then dim back and forth. I let it run a couple of minutes so that it is hot and then turn it off and on several times which is how they say to clean the generator. There is no smell but I burn mine on high and keep it pumped up. I have a single mantle lattern of my Dads that needs the white gas and I don’t use it because it is harder to find. Most of the time, my Power House will heat my tent and only have to use the Mr. Heater Jr. on really cold days.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    I had a dual fuel about ten years ago, figured it would be nice if I was in a bind and didnt have white gas. Don’t think I ever did end up in that bind.

    About 3 years ago I got turned onto these from a friend. Believe me, I was very skeptical but now it is the only lantern I will run. They are about $16 from Walmart and some other outdoor stores do carry them too. They are extremeley bright, no joke, and really efficient. I typically get 6-8 hrs (high) and 12hrs (low) on a #1 cyl., more when I refill them myself. I would not reccomend the Coleman brand for these, the light is kind of yellow. Century and Ozark Trail give the best white lite that I have found. No need to be pumping the preasure when the bite is on or flickering light either. They use a tube style mantle that is very durable to shock unlike the commom sock style that break easily. The globe is held very snugley via spring clips and has a protection cage. The small size allows me to put it in my pocket rather than bouncing around in my Otter while towing across the lake. I would HIGHLY reccomend this lantern over any other style. Also, if anyone wants to buy an older dual fuel let me know. the price is right, an Ozark Trail or Century. Trust me. -Mark

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    How do you go about filling your own 1 pound cylinders. I’ve wanted to do it myself for a long time.The last ones I bought were $4.50 there’s got to be a better way.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3907

    With this Lil’ guy. You can find them at Menards in the section that has Mr.Heater regulators, hoses and fittings for about $17.
    1. Screw it into a bulk cyl.
    2. flip upside down, liquid needs to be able to get out of the valve not the gas.
    3. Screw 1# to the fitting. You will need to locate the preasure release valve on the 1# cyl. it looks like a flush tire valve. This must be at the top. (details to come)
    4. open valve on bulk cyl.
    5. liquid will transfer by itself till the 1# is about half full. (about 15-20 seconds)
    6. Use foreceps or needle nose to pull that relief valve, gas will squirt out. (yes you will loose a little bit of gas) keep it pulled till liquid shoots out. This means it it tip-top full.
    About 125% of what you get from the store.
    The entire process takes about 1 min from start to finish.
    some ppl might tell you to chill your 1# cyl but it makes not diff. – have fun saving $, Mark

    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Thanks for all of the feedback and ideas


    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Chucker…PM sent.


    Posts: 35

    Been burning unleaded fuel in three 20-30 year old Coleman lanterns for years. Works great.

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