Good perch lake?

  • Bass thumb
    Posts: 77

    The wife wants to go after perch this weekend. Anyone know of a good perch lake (not the pond) within 2hr of the citys worth the drive?

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    It’s 3 hours away, but the perch bite has picked up again on Otter Tail, it’s a numbers game with a lot of smaller fish, but some bigger (8-10″ fish)are starting again as well. Plus there’s always that chance on OT to get into the true Jumbo’s!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I’ve been doing some research for good perch lakes and the best I can find is Mille Lacs (so far). So yes if anyone knows of a good perch lake near the Metro please let us know I was wondering about the Alexandria area there has to be some good perch out that way

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    Collinwood aint bad

    Bass thumb
    Posts: 77

    Any spots you will give up? Would you send me a PM Dave if so?

    Posts: 3409

    Deer Lake by St. Croix Falls WI has nice perch in it. My brother in-law fishes it all the time and I have done well out there too.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    I have only fished it in the spring/early summer.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    I usually have decent luck at Willow River Park in Hudson. Head out from the boat ramp or swimming beach.

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