your using the rite baits but the size and color can be a big deal. pepin when it comes to the river dose not have a lot of current so don’t think twice to down size your spoons and jigging raps. i often use spoons as light as 1/16oz. move around and change your presentation. what works today won’t always work tomorrow. some days they want bait falling the next day on the rise or even dead sticked. the lake can be hot today and cold the next. keep at it and you will catch fish. its a great fishery so don’t get down over a few slow days.
Pepin when it comes to the river does not have alot of current.
I have fished Pepin for many years, both comercially and sport.Somedays,depending on flow, there can be alot of current. I have put jigs down in the winter and swear you could have gone down river 15ft and pick up your jig on your electronics. I am just saying, don’t underestimate Lake Pepin, esecially during the winter if your out driving on it. I have seen good ice go to extreemly bad in just a matter of a few short hours.There are also many points out there that have alot of current comming around them.Just don’t EVER get too confident on Lake Pepin. Be Safe!!!