Another PB Falls; Pool 8 Perch/Eyes

  • cade-laufenberg
    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    It all started two Saturday’s ago with this fish:

    After a day of weeding through small panfish in a major community hole, Justin and I called it a day early. I had to work that day so After we called it quits I drove around to all the local spots I haven’t fished yet this year to check them out. I have always wanted to fish this particular spot but never got around to it. I didn’t know what to expect but I thought it could be good for some perch. I had about 20 minutes to fish so I drilled one hole in 7 feet and after a few minutes, perch like marks raced up to my bait only to turn the other cheek. Finally a big red blob came and slammed my forage minnow. After an exciting fight on light gear the 17″ eye was put on the ice and a lot of excitement rushed into my body, knowing full well that the area would be expanded throughout the coming week. Tuesday came and I had a little more time to check things out. A system of holes were made on what appeared to be a massive underwater point (more of a 90 degree corner) with extreme drops on the sides. drilling holes at the bottom of the drop and out a ways put us in 22 ft of water where some perch, bluegills, saugers and a crappie were caught. Following the fish as they came up the drop produced more of the small saugers.

    Wednesday came and I was back at it. This time the panfish were extremely stingy and again I was short time. Just before I had to leave and the sun hit the trees, I moved to my 7 foot water and instantly caught a small sauger. After a quick release I had a mark flying up to nail my jigging spoon again. This time it was a hard fighting 15-1/2 ” walleye. Again I had to close the book early and leave during the prime bite.
    Saturday finally came and it was time to really pick apart the large area, exhasuting all of the key spots to better educate ourselves on the potential of the area. I had a gut feeling with the layout of the spot, the location, and the fish we had already caught, that there was a good potential of catching a walleye over the 20-22″ mark, maybe bigger. We figured with more experience figuring out what the fish really wanted ( with an average night pulling about 50 marks but only catching 5-15 saugers or walleyes), it was only a matter of time before someone popped a big one. Finally the prime time came and small saugers were in everyone’s holes. Finally Kyle sets the hook into something a little bigger. With the rod bend he had, I figured it had to be a solid 16-17″ fish judging by the fight I had experienced. Then again it can be hard to tell with the 30″ ultra light rods we have been using.. after a long stressful fight on 2 lb test and a pretty tight drag given the circumstances, a pair of toothy lips emerged and i got my hands around the toad fish and put her to the ice. Kyle had just iced his personal best ice AND all time walleye. Coming in at a girthy 27-1/2″ we figured the fish had to weigh at least 7-1/2 to 8 l bs. Congrats Kyle on a great fish. We knew it was just a matter of time.

    Sunday and another day was spent in this new area. You may ask yourself why someone would continue returning to a spot but what I can’t do justice to is the size of the area we are fishing and the variety it has to offer. There is deep water, sand, silt, rock, gravel, weeds and current all sprinkled around an area that would not be fun to walk the perimeter of. Each day we tried to unlock a new section of the area and see what else it had to offer. This day we found ourselves on another point that has a good sand flat in 10 ft that runs out to the edge of some light current. with a large rainbow of holes around the point, maintaining the 10 foot depth, we had a pretty good flurry of eater sized perch. Hole hopping was the key, and almost every new hole produced a fat perch screaming off the bottom to inhale a forage minnow spoon. We kept about a dozen for Kyle’s freezer and released several more for another day. as the sun got low the dash was made back to our walleye corner to see if another pig would take an offering. Today we mixed up our approach, with kyle fishing a spoon, Justin fishing a blade, and myself fishing a blue/silver no. 3 jigging rap. While Justin had the most numbers with the blade, and Kyle not behind, I was able to catch 2 keeper saugers with the jigging rapala. This produced fewer fish but the average size was better. Justin also added a keeper sauger to the ice. All in all we did not tear into the fish at any time this weekend. However we feel that it is a valuable area and with the ammount of information we gained this weekend, I dub it a great success. With the right conditions, I think this spot has serious potential for a multiple big fish night, and certainly could kick out a limit of 13-15″ saugers at any given time.

    Perch sample from Sunday

    some of the fish Kyle took home Sunday.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Nice job guys! And thanks for the great read.


    Posts: 1282

    Amazing read and amazing fish! How far is pool 8 from pool 2?

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    With the addition of pool 5a in 1932, that would be 7 pools from pool 2 sir.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Great job on some nice fish cade. Way to put the on ’em

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    Nice to see you are still smackin’ them Cade!!

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Congrats Kyle!

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667


    Sweet report and that ‘eye is a PIG! How are you able to tell what the bottom structure is like? Do you know from fishing the area during open water or do you have a camera?

    A little of both. I know the area from open water and the camera confirmed what I believed. Also our flashers help reveal a lot about the bottom content. Most of the bottom in this area is harder bottom. There is not a lot of muck or heavy siltation. For the most part I think it is pretty clean sand.

    on the drive, I’d say it should run you about two hours from pool 2….I was just up that way at the end of December.

    Richard V.
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    Posts: 2595



    With the addition of pool 5a in 1932, that would be 7 pools from pool 2 sir.

    Knowing Jake I have to assume he wants to know how far the drive is… And knowing me, if he makes that drive I’d most likely tag along!! LOL!

    I checked my mapping program and just guessing you are looking at about 150 miles.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Nice fish Cade. Congrats on unlocking the secrets of that area.

    Posts: 1282

    I’d do 2 hours! haha

    Posts: 73

    Congrats to Kyle nice walleye. good read Cade i fished on pool 8 Sat and it sucked. Nice to see somebody can eat fish this week.

    Posts: 319

    Way to go! Haven’t heard from you in awhile…..I was wondering what you’ve been up too! No good, I see!

    Been up there a few times…..gotta get in touch w/ you sometime b/f we head up there and maybe you can meet up w/us!


    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    For sure Jay just let me know. It’s crazy how often I used to fish the “deep hole” while this year I have only fished it twice. Just haven’t been getting as good of crappies in there as I have in other spots this year

    Lincoln, Ne
    Posts: 164

    Wow great work once again!

    Layne Monroe

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Just thought I’d drop by with an update on the current pool 8 perch bite. I had a little time window today after finals and between work to do a little fishing with my dad. Today we found the perch stuck to a large 10 foot sand flat that is close to the heaviest current and deepest water the area has to offer. When fishing for flat perch, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of drilling a LOT of holes and moving OFTEN. These fish are cruising through, as there is not much cover to hold on, and are looking for any meal they can gobble up. I like to have at least a dozen holes to move around in, but the more the merrier! If I drop my bait down and I do not have a mark racing up to it, I am disappointed. I will pound the bottom for a while and if I still do not pull a mark after about 45 seconds to a minute, I will move on. This sounds extreme but knowing that I can usually catch a fish the minute I change holes is good logic for switching in the first place. The perch are so incredibly agressive right now that no meat whatsoever is needed on a gold forage minnow or swedish pimple to catch their eye. The meat is working but why waste money and time when you can catch them “No-baiting?” Usually if a fish is missed it sits there on the flasher sometimes up to 5 feet off the bottom absolutely baffled by what just happened. A frantic drop back to the fish and they absolutely crush the bait on the second chance .

    At the end of the short outting, I was a happy camper. I iced two fish that I would consider legit “jumbos” with probably 10 keepers total. The best part was getting my dad on some hard fighting fish as well. Its always nice when you can get on a school of fish that ANYONE can catch, with or without a flasher. After my dad deep hooked an eater we decided we would send a batch to my uncle, making yet another happy Laufenbreg . I don’t see why, with a few more hours on hand, a guy couldn’t easily catch a selective limit of healthy perch. This weekend is going to be a knock out, that’s for sure. Everyone’s freezers are full, so we’re going trophy hunting .

    On another note, the walleye bite tonight was virtually non existent, save for a few 8-10″ saugs and eyes that thought they were perch however, I have my sights set on a key gravel point not too far that hasn’t seen a footprint yet this year, if ever, and I am getting those spine tingles for this weekend.


    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    Cade, you have been having great success in the last few years and are clearly learning the patterns of the river and how to take advantage of them. Congrats for being able to accomplish what takes many years or lifetimes to achieve. I must comment on one thing though. I routinely see your posts talking about selective harvest and icing a limit for a good fish fry. However, each and every post that you talk about this, you have limits or messes of fish on the ice. In this last post, you now mention that all the freezers are full, so you are sending them to a relatives freezer. I have NO problem with keeping fish and sharing a fry with friends and family, but if you are stock piling fish in the freezer, I guess I don’t see that as selective harvest. I guess as long as you eventually eat them all (which everyone does), you technically are practicing selective harvest as the definition of from the DNR is “Selective Harvest is harvesting only the fish you intend to use for food and releasing the rest of your catch unharmed.” With the amount of time you spend on the water/ice and the success you have, I would challenge the need to fill your and others freezers with possession limits. I am not trying to start anything or take away from the excitement of your posts, I just wanted to express my opinion as a fellow fisherman on selective harvest. Fish are better fresh anyways

    BTW, Those are some true jumbos. And Kyle’s Walleye is an absolute beauty. I hope you were successful in convincing Kyle to release her, so that I can catch her this Spring

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 44


    Cade, you have been having great success in the last few years and are clearly learning the patterns of the river and how to take advantage of them. Congrats for being able to accomplish what takes many years or lifetimes to achieve. I must comment on one thing though. I routinely see your posts talking about selective harvest and icing a limit for a good fish fry. However, each and every post that you talk about this, you have limits or messes of fish on the ice. In this last post, you now mention that all the freezers are full, so you are sending them to a relatives freezer. I have NO problem with keeping fish and sharing a fry with friends and family, but if you are stock piling fish in the freezer, I guess I don’t see that as selective harvest. I guess as long as you eventually eat them all (which everyone does), you technically are practicing selective harvest as the definition of from the DNR is “Selective Harvest is harvesting only the fish you intend to use for food and releasing the rest of your catch unharmed.” With the amount of time you spend on the water/ice and the success you have, I would challenge the need to fill your and others freezers with possession limits. I am not trying to start anything or take away from the excitement of your posts, I just wanted to express my opinion as a fellow fisherman on selective harvest. Fish are better fresh anyways

    BTW, Those are some true jumbos. And Kyle’s Walleye is an absolute beauty. I hope you were successful in convincing Kyle to release her, so that I can catch her this Spring

    i would like to just chime in on this a little bit, cade justin and I NEVER keep a limit of fish i promise you that those pictures that he showed you up top were just some of the fish we were keeping between all three of us and it just so happened to be my turn to keep the fish(yes we take turns)lol but anyways i just wantt to make things clear and that we areally are practicing selective harvest i mean it just showes earlier in the ice fishing season cade and justin landed a number of giant fish that were let go including cades profile pic 12.5 inch perch justin also landed some monster gills that were also cpr and the latest was mine with the walleye. i know ur not trying to be a D*&k in any way i just wanted to make things clear for all of us

    good luck this season

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    First of all, Kyle did not need any “convincing” to release that fish. He did it immediately without question. Second, as Kyle stated, we do take turns taking home fish. The statement that my freezer is full applies to my own standard, not posession limit standards. I have enough fish currently for four meals for MYSELF as nobody in my family really eats fish. When we have 3 or 4 people fiahing together, more than likely one of us will keep fish. As Kyle stated, we never try too hard to get a limit. we are content with a dozen perch in the 10 to 12 inch range, gills in the 7-9.5 range, and crappies in the 9.5-12.5 range. fish above and below that go back. To me selective harvest is not about the quantity of the fish you harvest but more related to the year classes you take out. To each his own but I just want to inform you that I think your perception of how many fish we are keeping is skewed. (ps Kyle that perch was over 13.5″ )

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 44


    (ps Kyle that perch was over 13.5″ )

    ha sorry cade lol

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 168

    Nice fish.

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    Thanks for the clarification and once gain congrats

    Textual content can be very misleading.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 399

    Haha this makes me laught guys!!! Ill talk to you later kyle

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 216

    hey cade, is your mom a teacher at logan middle? cuz she used to always talk about how you were fishing non stop. lol she was a good teacher, but where is pool 8? i have no knowledge of the mississippi. im trying to ice some perch and walleye before spring, so i have some spots for spring

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    If you go to Logan Middle then you fish pool 8. It’s from Dresbach to Genoa, and yes that’s mi madre, good luck finding those spots for spring, do your research and just try new spots, it will be extremely rewarding when you hook that big one.

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 216

    so were you fishing at dresbach?

    Posts: 7

    Great report Cade. You got talent. It is obvious from your past reports that you are a selective harvester, which in my opinion is great to see. It seems that some ice-fishermen see ice fishing as catch and take home as much as they can. I for one would like to see a reduction in the panfish bag limit here on the Mississippi River! Again great report and keep having fun.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    so were you fishing at dresbach?

    Good luck with that..

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 37


    hey cade, is your mom a teacher at logan middle? cuz she used to always talk about how you were fishing non stop. lol she was a good teacher, but where is pool 8? i have no knowledge of the mississippi. im trying to ice some perch and walleye before spring, so i have some spots for spring

    I had her too! although she always complained about a pain in the behind son?

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