Spring Lake( Scott County)

  • skeets
    Apple Valley,MN
    Posts: 69

    I have my house out on spring lake have been looking for eyes for two weeks now with no results. Thing is though before christmas I got a couple every night out there, now the fish don’t seem to be deep, shallow, or even inbetween. Anyone been out there fishing? I can give out great crappie spots out there if anyone has information on the eyes, send me a PM if you have information. The night bite has been dead out there for even crappies as well. Anyone been out on any other lakes in that area?

    Posts: 922

    I was out a couple of weeks ago, and set tip-ups off the first point in 8-12 fow. No takers, and didn’t see any flags go off elsewhere. Would LOVE to chat with you about the lake in general. I fish it a few times each year, and can’t figure it out. Have heard some great stories, though. Send me a PM at your convenience.

    Posts: 8

    i’ve been fishing spring lake quite a bit,but has been evening and night. can’t get the fish to bite. can see them on the vexlar but they just look at the bait. i’m told the bite is only a day bite now. funny the lake has usually been awsome for night fishing in the past.as for the walleye in the past i’ve been able to get them where i’ve caught crappies only fishing on the bottom for the eyes.this winter is totally different from other years. i guess i’m just gonna have to try getting out in the day.

    Apple Valley,MN
    Posts: 69

    Let me be the first one to tell you the day bite aint great either! But the evening bite is getting better if you hae some deep structure to sit on. Wax worms is the only thing you can get them to bite on. Glow jigs and very light line help tremendously.

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