Portable House Heater Suggestions

  • trophy19
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    After reading the Live from LOW 1-8 post,(very funny), I’m not so sure what I want to buy for a heater. I was looking at the Big Buddy but sounds like people are having problems with them. Have both a 2 man flip over and 4 man Clam house & need a heater. Any suggestions on heaters from all of you experts?


    Posts: 302

    If you want a “Big Buddy” heater, I got one that I have used 5 times. I am going to stay with the sunflower. I will give you a good deal on the buddy!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve been using this style heater forever and have never had any issues and it gives of plenty of heat. Plus they last forever.


    IF you need more heat for a monster shack they make a two burner model. I had this heater in the past when I had a larger fold-up style house and it always did the trick.


    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Yep. Worry free and will heat you out of the house if need be.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    I agree with James.
    I’ve used the Buddy heaters for hunting and fishing, and I’m done with them.
    Heater/Cooker for typical use and Single or double sunflower for larger area.
    Good luck

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    I agree with James.
    I’ve used the Buddy heaters for hunting and fishing, and I’m done with them.
    Heater/Cooker for typical use and Single or double sunflower for larger area.
    Good luck

    I have 2 and have never failed me

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Colemen makes a small little 3000 btu heater that sits on top of the green bottles. Stay away from them to. They are junk.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    I love the Mr. Heater cooker/heater. I was looking at it last trip, noticing all the rust and such on it and then it dawned on me, I have had it since 98′ and it probly should look worse.
    Granted, I have made my repairs and modifications to it.
    1. I hate dealing with thremocouples breaking so I epoxied the button in one day. (yes it is a safety feature but i dont sleep with it)
    2. The cooking grate kept falling off so i welded it on.
    3. One day on Whinnie the 3 set lo-high valve must have developed a leak and started burning out of the valve. Most ppl would have thrown it away at that point, not me. I went to the hardware store and bought a brass needle valve, installed it and i have an awsome way to controll the heat range much better than the old valve. Way hotter to just barely on.
    4. I also run mine off a 20# cyl rather ahan the 1#

    Im assuming that someday it will finally die on me and theses mods that I have made milking mine along throught the years will be the first things I do to my new one. In the long run i consider the “fixes” to be better than the origional peice of equipment. -mark

    The Big Pond
    Posts: 478

    I have one of these (the little Coleman one) and it won’t give off enough heat to keep the holes from freezing over in my portable. The sunflower is the way to go. I backed up over it once and it still works fine. Granted, I didn’t back “over” it per say. I backed into it and bent it up real good. Still heats enough to fish in a t-shirt though.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Thanks guys… I’ve had sunflowers (funny how they become your son’s property . Just curious if someone had come up with a better product, but it doesn’t sound like it. Run a long gas line to a 20#er outside the house is a good way to go.



    Posts: 4532

    Menards sells a heater (round stand up)that goes to like 30k btu, you add a small gas valve to it and you can get it down to a flame or pretend like you are in Mexico on high.

    Posts: 387

    a sunflower of some type is the only way to go, at least where i am and 40 below is not unheard of. i use the tank mounts. they still break though, don’t leave them on the tank at 50 mph behind a snocat wrapped in a sweatshirt is a much better idea

    ia.east side scott co.
    Posts: 46

    i have a single burner mr. heater on a small 5lb. tank that has worked great for me for alot of yrs.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    I ran a single sunflower this weekend at mille lacs in below zero weather in my clam 6800. kept the holes ice free and warm enough to comfortably fish in a sweatshirt. go with a cooker, single, or double burner.

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