Get personal with trophy fish!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    When many anglers venture to waters well known for both Big walleyes and Pike many opt for utilizing a flag for the second line. When fishing cold front conditions or just when the bite might seem a little off fish often need to be triggered to bite. If I find myself in a tough bite my dead stick will consist of something I can work to entice fish. I like to be proactive when it comes to landing big fish. I’ll sell out on bait size (Larger for the trophy fish), but will utilize a natural colored Precision jig likely in pearl white with a big shiner. My other rod will be a Lightning spoon with a full or half fathead (nothing entices like this spoon that I’ve ever used). Through the years I have found that insticts will often get the better of the big fish. Big fish are PROGRAMMED TO FEED. With utilization of a dead stick (float, Split shot, Hook) the nuetral to negative fish get too long to eye up your presentation if they aren’t actively feeding. By working a jig and shiner I can immediately dart away from on coming fish. This TRIGGERING MECHANISM WILL get a bite or two that you normally would never have. So next time you find yourself on a lake with equal chance of a big pike or walleye get personal with your presentations. Work your Jig and Minnow a bit higher in the water column ( 4 feet off bottom) and your Lightning spoon 2 feet. Having your bigger presentation higher in column attracts fish from a greater distance, and is also placed where dominate fish freely roam. Your slightly smaller presentation is within striking distance of eater fish that will utilize the bottom content for safety from the largert beasts!!

    Lastly do not forget TRIGGERING. Triggering fish is absolutley the KEY to catching more and bigger fish. Each day may be a little different, and none work all the time. Watch your bait just under the ice, and watch how it moves, dips, and swims as you twitch/snap your rod. Most of time you are simulating a injured minnnow struggling to get away from being dinner. Remember how to work that particular presentation, and DO NOT get “BIG FISH FEVER” when that freakisly large RED BLOB pulsates on your Marcum!! Bring your A game, and give that fish the BEANS when she finally commits!! These aren’t little panfish!! These are big fish roaming “MANLAND” with hard mouths!!

    Alberta, Canada
    Posts: 61

    x2 im hoping to find that big black line on my showdown tommorow roaming half way up in the water column that just sits there……. o where art thow

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