No matter brand name all power augers require some tender lovin’ care through out the ice season.
My Lazer Mag is checked every outing making sure the blades are tight (after loosing one this year) and the auger bolt is tight, funny how things can back themselves out. I now also wrap a piece of tape around the collar over the auger bolt so it can only back out so far.
When it is time to replace blades on an auger….replace them. Dull blades will really give your clutch and power plant a work out they don’t need.
Another tough lesson learned, after fishing in the rain make sure to take the auger indoors for a good drying…..nothing worse than a frozen throttle on the ice. Which bring me to, caring a can of WD-40 it is a life saver at times.
After a few outings I also like to give the power plant a little degreasing. Using a rag soaked with degreaser the oil is wiped cleaned from the muffler and compression release button along with the rest of the power plant.
Keep in mind, dirt destroys and with a little maintenance your power equipment will keep you happy for yours.
How many keep up on the maintenance and what have I missed? A clean auger is a happy auger
Happy drillin’ iceheads