You are probably going to be quite disappointed.
Those three batteries will only be able to power that car stereo for around 3-5 hours. They are 7 amp(hr) batteries wired in parallel giving you 12 volts and 21 amp/hr of use. I did some digging and found that most general car stereo decks are using between 5 and 7 amps. So you’ll only get 3-5 hours of runtime.
So you probably spent $75 on those 3 batteries. It may be in your best interest to pick up a 12 volt group 27 battery (car battery) these batteries have around 100 amp(hrs) and will power a 7 amp stereo for about 13 hrs.
The batteries that I bought were on sale for $10 a piece, so i only put $30 into the purchase. As far as run time, i used my fully charged Vexilar battery last year and it ran the radio about 4 hours. The radio is only powering 1 speaker, I’m sure if i was using more speakers it would lower the run time on one battery. I was hoping that 3 batteries would run the radio atleast 10 hours?
I have tried little AA batt powered radios in the shack but i can only get one radio station and lots of static. With an antenna on the tin roof making a large ground plane, i can get tons of stations that come in crystal clear.