Best source for frozen dead bait for pike

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m looking for some suggestions for picking up some frozen cisco for fishing pike later in the winter. No time like the present to lay in the supply. Anyone have any good sources. I know the grocers in my area don’t carry them or if they do they’re smoked. I’d like to have a supply from 5″ – 6″ up to REALLY BIG if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    If smelt will suffice, try Trail’s End in Fridley. Denny usually keeps the freezer stocked. 763-784-9080.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    If smelt will suffice, try Trail’s End in Fridley. Denny usually keeps the freezer stocked. 763-784-9080.

    Thanks Dan. Smelt will be fine… that’s actually what we typically use. I’ll be heading up that way on wednesday afternoon. I’ll stop in and raid the deep freeze.

    As long as we’re talking tipup bait for anyone looking for some kick-butt tip up suckers last winter Tutt’s up in Garrison (conveniently on my way north) consistently had some DANDIES. There’s not many places you can find 9″ – 11″ suckers in quantity but they had them. I haven’t checked this year yet but it has been the best source I could find the past couple winters.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Vados usually has frozen cisco’s, smelt and suckers.


    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Vado’s had them last time I looked

    Calgary, Alberta Canada
    Posts: 8


    I’m looking for some suggestions for picking up some frozen cisco for fishing pike later in the winter. No time like the present to lay in the supply. Anyone have any good sources. I know the grocers in my area don’t carry them or if they do they’re smoked. I’d like to have a supply from 5″ – 6″ up to REALLY BIG if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    Have you taken a look into your local “Oriental Supermarket”. Sometimes they carry a weird assortment of Frozen fish which might suit your needs. A bud goes there and buys Frozen fish (can’t remember the name of it but looks like a Whitefish)Ranging from 1-2 lbs strictly for baiting huge Gators on Tip-up baits.
    I’ve picked up huge “Chilean Smelts” ranging 6″-10″ when they were in season. A local Fishmarket would also be another place to check out.
    Did a trip recently and found that there was frozen packages of “Baby Shrimp”. Sizes ranged from 1/2″ to 1″ with head and tail. Don’t know who would buy them for 250 grams for $3.99 to eat… My thoughts were to lightly dye them green and use it as fish bait. Closest thing to Gammarus Shrimp( if not already..LOL) Watch out Perch !!LOL

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve…. no… never. I’ve never thought about looking in that type of place. I have to believe there’s something similar here in MPLS / St. Paul… I just wouldn’t know where to look. Google?

    Posts: 1455

    Dong Yang korean market in Columbia Heights has some kooky frozen fish. I’ve tried some for cats with limited success. They were very nice and fish stinky though…….and they have the best thin cut shortribs in their meat section as well.

    Medicine Hat, Alberta
    Posts: 33

    I would imagine things are very differant, but here in alberta, every gas station or fishing show will have a freezer and fridge with frozen smelts, herring, or anchovies….
    I find the Herring and smelts work best they are usually 5″.

    Sorry i cant put you to a location…

    Calgary, Alberta Canada
    Posts: 8

    Too bad I can’t send some bait to you…LOL
    Went out to Lake stocked with Trout and full of Suckers recently. Went out purposely to catch Suckers. Bought back 10 that were averaged between 1-2 lbs.
    They are going to look really pretty with a Quick strike rig attached. Savin these for late Feb-March for a lake where the big Girls will be staging near the openings of Backbays. As soon as Ice comes off( I know bite my tongue..LOL) we do much better and bigger..
    Here’s one of the girls from Alberta..

    Posts: 248


    FYI for Cheeseheads:

    Frozen bait can only be used if harvested from the water where bait is used. If from other waters, it must be preserved via an approved method:

    X2 And when i use dead bait i just open my freezer i keep smelt on hand for pike and lake trout. Actually just added a couple dozen fresh ones from this weekend.Smelt can be harder to catch then a finicky gill.


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