Alright So I have a Marcum VX-1 ( which I love, but can’t wait to upgrade) it has always worked well for me, however this weekend I was fishing side by side with another VX-1 and I finally noticed something. we were both using our Zoom and our screens looked completely different. What I mean by this is when it would split screen MY bottom would go from the 10′ mark on the screen to about the 12′ mark. My buddy sitting less than 2 feet away had his screen split in half and that was about it.
My gain was at about 2 and his @ about 5 The only other difference is he has a unit which is about 3 years old, and I have a newer unit from last season, so there is the power difference between us. Is this an issue with my unit? ( if so I can live with it for the season) or is this just a product of the power difference.
It has always been this way. I just never realized it until I saw the two identical units side by side.
No I’m not switching to VEX. SO we can stop all the Ford vs. Chevy comments now.
Thanks in advance guys!