In my line of work, I purchase approximately 5000-6000 of these types of batteries every year.
I highly recommend staying away from Batteries Plus type battery. They are a “Werker” brand battery.
I’m not positive of who makes the Vexilar or Fleet Farm battery. However, the primary maker of the battery should be either Panasonic or Yuasa battery.
The Werker brand battery is similar to your “Rayovac” brand, while the Panasonic/Yuasa battery is more of your “Duracell” brand.
Trust me, yes they are all made in China, but there is a HUGE, distinct difference. Just like there is a difference between Rayovac and Duracell.
I’ve used the Vexilar batteries, and they do hold up well. However, I’m not sure of the maker of them.
MK Battery is another source of a quality battery that I highly recommend. You can call them at 1-800-372-9253 to find the nearest location for the consumer. They have a large location/facility in the TC Metro area.