I was an observer at the Trap Attack at Antioch over the weekend and was able to do a little fishing before the event.
here is the pattern, which will continue all winter: Bluegills and crappies are active at both north and south end of Channel lake in the Fox Chain-o-Lakes in northeastern Illinois with best access out from the Thirsty Turtle tavern or Mentones.
Fish really like orange here, with dark green a good second choice, for bigger ‘gills use plastics like the Techni-glow tail
The tourney was gills only,with everybody fishing maybe four feet of water in the weedbeds. Crappies and perch kept jumping on hooks. Betcha a #2 black Rembrandt would have kicked some crappie butt–but can’t say for sure as I didn’t have any along to try ’em. Next Trap Attack is at Redstone near Reedsburg, Wi. in two weeks. Tourney is full at this time. If you haven’t heard of the Ice Team and their Trap Attack events, please know that these guys are cutting edge when it comes to the hardwater. You can access their website FREE at http://www.iceteam.com.
January 19, 2004 at 7:18 pm