i dont know if any members on the board saw this, but i was walking out onto the croix from bayport today and got the surprise of my day. A couple that came in behind me decided to let their pitbull run loose across the ice, and the dog made a beeline right to my turned back, not making a sound until it was right at my heels. Now, Ive raised pits, and i know they read reactions. So other than sayin oh [censored] I didnt break stride, just kept my eye on the dog as it barked and circled me, running up to my boots each time it came in close. i walked another 50 feet with the dog circling me before the owners finally decided to call to their dog. Atleast the dog was some what trained and ran off when called, still, the owners deserve a swift kick in the [censored]. learn to use a leash! what would of happened if i was a father and son and the kid got nervous and started screaming?
December 23, 2009 at 11:26 pm