Headed out Sun morning at 6:25 looking forward to the 30 min walk to the area that would hopefully put a few fish in the bucket. Got set up in the first spot 9′ water next to a deadfall, couln’t hardly beg a mark. Josh got the shunk out of his bucket with a good eater crappie, and a few gills while I was intent on missing the few bites that came my way. We contined to move to the northern flat of this particular piece of water. We were looking for some gills and did end up finding a nice bucket of them in the 5-6′ water at the norther end. caught most of them on red glow jig,and a few on clown gill pill. Didn’t have to go to work on monday so went back to the same spot and fished until noon had 7. Fish were not active at all. Fished many holes and the few that I did mark seemed very passive today. Still beats working.
December 22, 2009 at 1:36 am