Does anybody icefish on pool 12 around Galena, I was wondering about the ice conditions at fish trap, or the Springs area. Or any other ice fishing reports in that area would greatly be appreciated. BIGJIGGER2002
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Galena Pool 12
Posts: 51January 17, 2004 at 1:50 am #289062bigjigger2002…I just heard today there some action in upper browns,drege cuts…spring lake, below savanna is pretty slow..michealsons has tons of small gills..
January 17, 2004 at 12:26 pm #289088ill.jack thanks for the reply,I was on upper browns and lower sabula last saturday the ice was only about 3 inches on browns and there was some open water and only about 1-2 inches towards the middle of lower sabula,no fish at lower sabula,and only 9 fish at upper browns between the 3 of us.Looks like rain this morning we need some cold weather.
Posts: 51January 19, 2004 at 3:04 am #289154bigjigger2002… I was all over pool 13 today,deep hole north end spring lake saw 5 trucks at the landing, went down to the eagles cut nobody there, potters had about 6 tents, michealsons very small crowd for there..everybody I talked to same ole story, not much doing..looks like the weather finally going to make some decent ice….
January 19, 2004 at 9:21 pm #289233Il.Jack it sounds like the fishing is about as cold as the weather.I didn’t make it out last weekend but I sure plan on going Saturday and hopefully Sunday.I will give a report when I get back gonna try the springs for the first time this year,I would think that there should be enough ice by then to fish this spot.It sure is nice having someone that fishes the same areas that I do and is willing to share some information, if you here about a good crappie or big gill bite before saturday please let me know and I will do the same. Thanks I think were making ice.
Posts: 51January 22, 2004 at 2:09 am #289540bigjigger2002…I was planning on going today but that 25mp.wind change my mind for me..have not heard anything, if I do will post before sat. sounds like jason hit few, at fish trap. where is he referring to,”the springs” is that what I call key hole…? good luck sat., dont think I can make till sun.
January 22, 2004 at 11:06 am #289573il.jack
The springs are right down along the tracks down by grass lake. to the right of the boat launch theres water on both sides of the road where the road goes down and stops you must cross there and head towards hanaberry slough and follow that towards the tracks . Ihope that helps.BIGJIGGER2002January 24, 2004 at 11:02 pm #289972il.jack
just got back from Galena caught probably 100-125 fish kept 1 keeper crappie and about 30 gills between the three of us had to do alot of sorting.Fished the springs for first 1-1/2 hours with only 1-bite no fish then went to hanaberry slough,fished from 9-3-30 could not find the big fish.Don’t know how they did on fishtrap.Had 8-12 inches of ice used rocker jig and waxies. BIGJIGGER2002jepik
Posts: 51January 27, 2004 at 2:28 am #290220bigjigger2002….never got to make it out over the weekend…2 hrs. this morning at borrow pit along interstate…few small gills and crappie…friend called sunday evening and said they hit 21 crappie, all over 11 in. saturday, at the deep hole spring lake,crappie bite started around 1:30 in the afternoon, only had 5 gills before crappie bite….also heard there was decent action at fills,”edick lake” last wk….. I dont like to walk railroad bridge at sabula to get there…hope to make it out thurs.,will post if I get out
January 27, 2004 at 10:48 am #290140il.jack
Sounds like river rat did well at cattail slough on pool 14 on sat.He caught some real nice bluegills. Bigjigger2002January 27, 2004 at 11:49 am #290090Hey guys. I just thought I would let you know that I had to leave early that day
, but my two friends stayed and did very good on the crappies just at sunset. They ended up with 10 crappies over 11 inches with the biggest being 15 incher. I knew I should have stayed
But I guess my wife is more important
Posts: 51January 27, 2004 at 2:00 pm #290263bigjigger2002….I used to fish cattail all the time till they drege it…I had good friend almost drown there after it was dreged out ,too much current, I think there was a fellow drown there, a few years back…I know a lot fellas used to fish there but they dont anymore…good ice today,bad ice tomorrow….
January 27, 2004 at 11:04 pm #290350Hey il.jack Thanks for the heads up!! It sure seems like where ever you go in this area there is atrain trestle acrossed the river or alot of current or a5- mile hike just to be able to catch a few quality fish once in awhile.I’m thinking about trying a new spot on Sat.My buddy can’t go till later but I like to try different areas so I might try a new adventure and fish alone in the morning and try to find some fish in this new lake before he gets there. I’m also thinking about going to cattail slough with these temp. that place has got to be froze over good by Sat. If I do go to cattail do you have any recomendations on where to go or where to stayaway from do you get on the ice right at the boat launch and go left or right on the ice? Thanks BIGJIGGER2002
Posts: 51January 28, 2004 at 4:09 am #290406Bigjigger2002…standing looking at the boat ramp I would try to the left…I did some checking this afternoon, talk to the nephew of the fellow who drown there a few years ago…a lot of old timers, 30yrs.+ shy away from it…river rat gave some good advice when he said to walk the shoreline till you learn it. I dont know about it now but it used to be 6ft. deep, 5ft.from shore… the banks went straight down…my wifes cousin almost drown there ,he has not went ice fishing since, he used to fish all the time…that was about 7 or 8 yrs. ago….there is no doubt that it will hold some good fish…be careful…I have not ice fished it since it was dreged…I think I would do like river rat did and head down the slough couple blocks,that would to your left of boat landing…
January 28, 2004 at 10:42 am #290412ill.jack… Thanks I think I will try some place safer for now would like to try this area in the spring and fall.BIGJIGGER2002
February 1, 2004 at 2:17 am #291007Went to Hanaberry slough and springs area kept 2- crappies and 4- gills fishing was very slow. BIGJIGGER2002
Posts: 51February 4, 2004 at 2:39 am #291389BigJigger2002…sounds like the big river is slow everywhere…we went to borrow pit monday, one keeper crappie,small gills ,small crappie,2 guys,4hrs…..I did hear there is some action in the chute going out of millers,right before dark….we plan on going thurs. if we dont get dump on by snow they say might be coming…
February 4, 2004 at 3:29 am #291392If your talking about the cattail south of fulton, if so a week ago before this last snow, the slough was froze over. except where the springs are, one was near the beaver hut. the other two we seen were near the bank, now you may never see them. never know how many you can’t see. the river is really low but i always heard the springs are what make this slough very dangerous. there was two guys ice fishing there, they were straight across from the ramp and north. but they were moved twice while we were watching.. there aren’t any fish in that water worth risking your life. be careful if you go there………….please.
February 4, 2004 at 11:12 am #291039il.jack I heard kind of the same thing about millers yesterday, supposed to have been quite a few seen on camera but they had lock jaw I hope they are biting for you on thurs.Also heard they’ve been catching them at the fills.
Posts: 51February 4, 2004 at 1:08 pm #2914163way….the area I was talking about was the chute coming out of millers across from the pallasides park in savanna…I second the motion about cattail, no fish worth your life….
February 4, 2004 at 10:21 pm #291485ill.jack are you talking about the area around the tug, where the boats go through on there way along the tracks to the main channel?
and is it just that last hour before dark that there biting?
Posts: 51February 5, 2004 at 3:25 am #291530BigJigger2002….yes it is in the boat lane going out to the river….i would fish anywhere in it, around and out from boat slips, but not much farther down then the old gravel pit….from what I hear it is late afternoon bite…
Posts: 51February 6, 2004 at 3:21 am #291679Bigjigger2002… we went to spring lake this morning, only ones there 9am., fished 2 different areas 1hr. quad wont start,had to be pulled in…found out later water in the gas tank….no fish….
February 6, 2004 at 9:48 pm #291756Hey ill.jack fishing buddy and I are heading up to Galena tomorrow and were going to punch some holes theres got to be fish without lockjaw up there somewhere.Were going to start in kehough and then just follow the yellow brick road till we find fish
You should come up we could try to figure it out together, we will have a camera and a vexilar, we will be in a 3-man Shapell shanty if were inside if were outside I’ve got a pair of brown coveralls with a tear in the bottom of the leg with red showing and I’ll have a red lazer mag gas auger there will be 2- of us.Well stop on by if you can make it, this goes for all of you that read this post.
Posts: 51February 7, 2004 at 2:16 am #291784Bigjigger2002…thanks for the invite,grand daughters ball game,with eight of them is hard not to have something going every weekend…good luck, heard a little about lainsville and some crappies last saturday,when I hear for sure, I will post…
February 8, 2004 at 1:49 am #291718ill.jack Just got back from kehough we had a heck of a time getting our sled through all that snow,we made it to kehough and thats as far as we went.Started fishing about 8:00 and quit at 4:00.Fishing was very tough it was a very light bite, when you got one.Took a few bluegills home fishing was slow in all areas according to other fisherman.Seen a few fish on the camera fish would come up to the jig stair at it for awhile and most of the time just swam away [they were very off bite].There was also no crappie bite at all seen very few on camera and none that wanted anything to do with the jigs or any methods we tried.Well be Safe on the ice.
Posts: 51February 12, 2004 at 5:00 pm #292316Bigjigger2002…went to mickelsons yesterday,nothing but very small gills for me… heard there was a few crappie caught over the week end… rock creek sunday,nothing going on there either…
Posts: 103February 12, 2004 at 5:21 pm #292515Don’t know if you guys fish Brown’s Lake or not, but the gates were opened on Tuesday, Feb., 10, 2004. Be carefull crossing the dredge cuts. Boys were down in Potters Marsh yesterday and had DO readings in the 2-4 range – they are dropping like a rock now that we have the snow cover and the low water. Have you caught any fish from fish trap lately? I’d be concerned about a fish kill there. Kehough has some springs next to the tracks, but Fish Trap and Upper Sunfish I would worry about. We have a great project on the books to dredge out Sunfish Lake and Fish Trap. Hope to get started on that late in 2004 or early in 2005.
February 13, 2004 at 9:48 pm #292606fishsqzr thanks for the heads up on Browns what does that do to the dredge cuts when the gates are open? Does that affect the ice clear up in Browns? When you say dredge cut do you mean the cut that goes from lower browns to upper browns on the R&R tracks side?
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